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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Is Sark learning anything when he looks at film after loss?
  2. Sark going for it all on first down. Then a run second down and a short pass third down. I was wrong. 😊
  3. “Ah-ba-da-ba-da- ba-da.” $95 million dollar man.
  4. There is NO, ZERO, NOTHING, NADA, upside to Walker winning a US Senate seat. Not even Keenan playing him is worth it.
  5. So frustrating. TCU gets rid of their coach of 20 something years, hires a new one and in less than a year is undefeated and in the Top 10. Texas has gone through 3 coaches in 9 years, paying them top dollar, and a bunch of 4 and 5 star players and still suck.
  6. Agree. I thought the goal was to win the game and improve chances to get into the Big 12 Championship. If your starter is off, give him a break to reset. One of my concerns is Sark being OC and not focusing totally on being a HC. No disrespect but what would Saban have done in a situation like this? He probably would have replaced him for 2 or 3 series at least.
  7. My wife and I really love the show but I will agree this season has not been as good as last season. I really can't stand the teacher's aide, she should have been fired first day. And I especially don't like the direction the principal is going. Doing side businesses instead of her job. It's lost something.
  8. All this talk of Quinn being the second coming of VY needs to stop!!!
  9. All the penalties and Ewers off, I’m surprised we’ve scored this much and still tied. Not feeling good right now. Tech all over again.
  10. I don’t blame this on PK, our offense is struggling
  11. F*#k You Randy Quaid! Go back to Mar A Legos and continue to clean Trump’s filthy ass. What an idiot.
  12. I think the show is brilliant. My wife loves it. As a teacher she says the teachers and situations they go through are spot on what it’s like at her school and the schools she’s taught at.
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