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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Those people have no souls, no spine, no conscious, no morals, no empathy and they only care about themselves - but hey, they’re Christians.
  2. What a dipshit. He sounded pretty decent at first and then he started going down the same path as all the other right wing Trumpy extremist.
  3. Trumpster’s have convinced themselves that these last 4 years were the greatest in American history, because Trump has told them so. (And, I saw a post on Facebook with the same words and a list of Don’s greatest hits as a comparison to keep during Joe’s upcoming 4 years.) Biden will spend the next 4 years cleaning up Trump’s screwups, mistakes and damages and be blamed for every one of them, and he’ll be fighting daily with Mitch McConnell and getting nothing done. In 4 years Trump will ride up in a golden chariot to save the world, “again”. At least that’s how Donald sees it.
  4. Dems have a major messaging problem, IMO.
  5. I think Trump wants the USA to suffer in his absence and long for his return. So true!
  6. No, I just can’t believe people are that dumb and gullible. But I know it’s true.
  7. Trump created this false chaos. I can’t believe there are people stupid enough to buy into it.
  8. Maybe looking for another job and getting fired could be a badge of honor.
  9. There was The Comey Rule to start.
  10. He is a horrible horrible human being. How any individual can support this self-centered piece of trash, and his spoiled children, I have no idea. He doesn’t care about people unless he can use them.
  11. Ummm, that P has some kind of a sexual thing going on.
  12. All Greg Abbott needs to do is throw out the “socialist, they’ll take your guns away, abortion and immigrants taking all your jobs” ads and he’s still in. The only way a Dem will win is if they have answers to that that changes minds or a charismatic character that makes someone want to change. I can’t think of anyone like that. But the Republican same o, same o has worked for 30 years and still works. Same ads, different people.
  13. Trump benefits by continuing this conspiracy theory of election fraud. Once he leaves office it will just continue to grow and thrive. His Qanon tribe, Parler group will feed on it and only make it bigger and bigger. Unfortunately you have people like Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick who will feed it as well.
  14. He was the candidate you wanted to have a beer with!
  15. I feel like I can breath again. I feel like we have someone who cares again about others and not so self centered and egotistical. I feel like we’ll have someone that will pick a support staff that will be qualified and not based on the size of their checkbook. A huge relief. I just pray that Mitch McConnell helps and works with Joe and doesn’t continue being the worst example of a human possible. That’s what worries me most.
  16. The few Republicans I know that didn’t vote for him just couldn’t stand him anymore. Fatigue. They were exhausted of the daily barrage of “him”. But, yep, no COVID and he beats Joe.
  17. Dems are still pathetic at messaging and slogans. Still having a hard time with Joe being the best we had. Trump will “kill anyone or everyone” to get re-elected or get his way. The country really needs to figure out a better way to vote all the same way. And no mail-in ballots should be mailed past 1 or 2 weeks before Election Day. I also think EVERYONE should early vote. Maybe even be mailed a day and time.
  18. Yep, they’ve been hearing for so long from Herr Donald that this election will be corrupt they’ve drank the kool-aid and got suckered in. It amazes me how stupid and gullible some idiots can be. However, they’re aggies, so - makes sense.
  19. Yep, after this he probably needs to be on 24 hour suicide watch. And keep him away from the knifes and the red button. I know he will take everyone down with him.
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