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  1. Russian officials put sirens on top of their vehicles so they can flaunt traffic laws. This will probably come to Washington after the next Republican visit to Moscow.
  2. Rules are for binding the out group.
  3. I wonder if all the Trumpers in the adjacent neighborhood asked for proof of citizenship from the Spanish-speaking workers who spent the day cleaning up all the fallen trees from this morning’s storm. Or perhaps they let it slide because it was their own yards.
  4. Sounds like Communism.
  5. That is exactly it. It is what a men's suit is called in Russian, and I assume, something close in Ukrainian.
  6. Trump equates wealth with intelligence and self worth. Let’s not forget that Putin is probably the richest man in the world.
  7. I also like the helping people, but helping people around the world is also a way to further US interests around the world without putting boots on the ground. Unfortunately, that tool may go away and it will be supported by a lot of Americans because the agency paid for some subsciptions.
  8. Melania was wishing a different ex-president had died so she could end her decades-long FSB assignment.
  9. The invasion talk may be nothing more than Trump pretending to be tough like his hero Putin.
  10. We will be going to the the Big Island in March... will be staying in Volcano for the first half the trip and Kona the second. Plans are for two days of hiking in the national park. We've booked a trip to the Mauna Kea summit that includes a star party (full day event). Lots of things to see on the road from Hilo to Kona. We thought about the manta-ray-night snorkeling, but decided against. We will do a whale watching boat tour. Kilauea is currently erupting so I have hopes that we will see an active volcano but also hoping for no evacuations.
  11. “They died for our freedom!” (except they weren’t given the choice of risking their life or not)
  12. North East in San Antonio is also closing schools.
  13. Add the dumb people can gather together to gang up against any rational thoughts.
  14. Turkey Avgolemono. This is where we traditionally use our post-Thanksgiving stock and the turkey we cleaned off of the bones.
  15. I think I was behind you in the checkout line of TotalWine this week. If not, you have competition out there.
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