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Everything posted by Woland

  1. Seen headed north through McKinney. Maybe headed to a Shelly Luther campaign rally, but there are plenty of other reasonable guesses to be had.
  2. I think it references Saint George.
  3. Despite being POTUS, he hasn’t progressed from selling shitty steaks and wine.
  4. But, but, but… that’s discrimination! So unfair!
  5. Looking at historical trends, there has always been an ebb and flow of Russian/Soviet military might and projection of power. The Russians are currently in an upward trend that should continue for at least another 15-20 years. We need to plan policy accordingly. Putin is providing the necessary political stability so I expect the current trends to continue until he is dead. At that point, it will be about time for a Russian decline and some of this pressure from Russia will disappear. Future events will be influenced by how stable Russian will be internally once Putin is gone.
  6. Same people are bitching that they can’t get their fast food quickly enough because there isn’t enough staff.
  7. Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! Be safe wherever you are.
  8. That's a whole lot of losing.
  9. The Drug War is an example of why outlawing abortion will not reduce abortion. I say this all the time and no one listens.
  10. The Drug War is an example of why outlawing abortion will not reduce abortion. I say this all the time and no one listens.
  11. I’m not a racist because Candace Owens told me so! See… I have black people on my feed!
  12. I use that joke. Trump was taking credit for the economy before he was sworn in.
  13. This could be in several threads. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/carter-in-the-classroom/richardson-isd-superintendent-expected-to-resign-monday/2836165/?amp
  14. Or until the upcoming civil war.
  15. Putting Christ back in Christmas!
  16. Let’s Go, Abbott! (Not sure who to put in place of Brandon)
  17. He looks terrible. Eventually he won’t be able to wriggle out of being too decrepit.
  18. Think this will knock Hunter Biden off the front page?
  19. Same people saying this will also tell you that the libs are full of hate.
  20. I believe MALDEF has already filed suit.
  21. Mirror. Watching it again tomorrow.
  22. Trump should get as much respect at his death as he gave to the living while he was alive.
  23. There could easily be a dozen Abbotts in that debate.
  24. Local Raytheon employees organizing a protest against mandated vaccines. Why do people who scream the loudest about freedom understand it the least?
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