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Everything posted by Woland

  1. I don’t know the answer to this question, but I know Russian refugees need a western COVID vaccine. One of my former exchange daughters (and her family) escaped to Switzerland. She was scheduled to come to Dallas for business but was stopped at the Geneva airport and not allowed to fly because she had only received the Russian vaccine. It was strange because I stopped worrying about those things a year ago.
  2. Somehow “more white babies” ties it all together. You’ve also got that evil communist libs are for all those things.
  3. In the current simulation, Geraldo will open the mausoleum after a few days and the body will be missing. The ratings will be huge.
  4. Blah, blah… Corporations are going to advocate for policies that increase profits. Politicians are going to advocate for policies that increase political advantage. All the details in-between is white noise.
  5. The wall along the border was perfect for the GOP. It was a simple idea. It was a cause for which the Republicans could advocate and actually pass legislation to fund. It had little chance of solving the problem.
  6. And there was this… https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-daily-post/texit-forces-welcomed-russian-separatist-conference/
  7. Where have I heard before this idea of the U.S. breaking apart? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/06/map-of-the-day-ex-kgb-analyst-predicts-balkanization-of-us/58945/
  8. Taking Ukraine had to be a long term plan for Putin. He was stupid to continue the plan when the Trump-re-election part of the puzzle fell through.
  9. It’s just another corollary to a standard Republican axiom… I should get 72 hours notice but no one else should get the same courtesy.
  10. Almost 1/2 off on Amazon. Delivery before Christmas!
  11. It’s unfortunate that Griner made herself such a convenient arrest, but given the circumstances of the war, if the Russians wanted to arrest an American, they could have just picked someone else.
  12. During this morning’s perusal of conservative radio, I listened to someone argue that we need Trump back because Biden likes to cozy up with dictators.
  13. Texas Democrats need to put more emphasis (money) on local races. They need to do more to build from the bottom up and develop political talent.
  14. Every tiny mistake by the libs becomes a three-hour program on conservative radio.
  15. If Trump is sent to the electric chair he’ll be thinking about how he will have the best ratings ever… and he will probably be right.
  16. If he is lying-in-state, who is going to lie about the crowds?
  17. Meat Loaf Stuffed with Carrots, Spinach, Provolone, and Prosciutto
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