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Everything posted by Whatever

  1. I make an entire pack every time, no matter how many people are eating it. Leftover bacon just keeps getting crunchier and better.
  2. The TCU game is next weekend at 2:30 and I'm taking my 7yo boy (driving in from McKinney). Where is the best place to park? Anything cool going on pregame for kids? Any information is appreciated.
  3. Don't question the Master, just follow his lead.
  4. We get there between 7:30 & 8 every year and go straight to get a beer and corn dog. They're both always open.
  5. You say it like there's something wrong with it.
  6. IMO Earl should he ahead of Ricky.
  7. Loved it as a kid, but it's easily been 20 years since I last saw it. Time for a revisit to see if it holds up.
  8. Points for creativity though. I personally have never heard of smoked tots.
  9. "Is that you Earl?"
  10. Late supper while watching "The History of Country Music" . Copious amounts of black pepper and Louisiana are inside this burger.
  11. It's a long season, plenty to look forward to. Could potentially be better than last year. Gonna take a few more years of solid recruiting to get to where we want. We don't play like pussies anymore, so there's that.
  12. That's like shooting a 62 and complaining you could have shot 58.
  13. No chicks on the boat. OP probably watching gay pron.
  14. We called it Tuesday when I was there.
  15. Was the chef Tony Ragu or Danny Amenjola?
  16. They lost to Paul Thomspson? Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha.
  17. Looks like a young Urban. Fuck that kid.
  18. You know what I love most about this board? We stick to our opinions. We don't change our thoughts just because some douchenoggle in NYC thinks highly of our team in a particular year, and then hate him the next when he predicts 2 losses. Those of you that hate KH still hate when he picks us to go to the playoff. This separates us from just about all other message boards I've seen, including other UT ones.
  19. We are not giving up 35 points to them. I say 31-10 good guys.
  20. I used to think the same way but then a pest control guy explained it to me. He said the cockroaches are actually the little ones and they hang out in the filth. The waterbugs like water so you generally see them around pools, sewers and drains. As one other poster noted, they also like decaying vegetation so if you have organic mulch or a garden you'll have them too. They also tend to prefer more humid climates so seeing them further south is more likely.
  21. Username checks out.
  22. Not at all. I grew up on San Marcos japs. Mt. Olive just sells them in larger quantities.
  23. Monday is lazy day. No energy for naoch but if you put the ingredients on a plate you can dip chips in there and profit.
  24. What do you mean "how is it possible"? It's aggy. Futility is not only possible, it's certain.
  25. Same here. Actual lol.
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