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Everything posted by Whatever

  1. What's wrong with the Texas Exes Tailgate?
  2. Ghetto Dreams baby.
  3. Watching our game is like watching 2 "B" teams play. Watching TCU-OSU is like watching 2 "A" teams.
  4. Tip O' the cap to ya sir.
  5. Curt's nephew, Ryan Bohls was in Flesh and bone.
  6. I'm referencing the recruiting thread on "the other site" where aggy claimed we were giving recruits F250s to come to Austin.
  7. sec stickers will help, but not if you have a car. F250 is required there.
  8. Stay in your vehicle and being a cooler full of sandwiches.
  9. "War, What is it Good For?" Absolutely Nothing.
  10. Yeah but how often do you quote Idiocracy, Upgrayedd?
  11. Tom Herman is a no-talent ass clown. Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks.
  12. 100% this. Username doesn't check out.
  13. In the stadium right now. I just, just, what the hell am I seeing. I didn't think it could get worse. Joke's on me.
  14. Cheese enchiladas w/o chile corn carne, rice and beans would qualify, but I have never, nor will ever order that. I too, am apathetic about attending tonight's game, but I'll get drunk and be with good company. Fight!
  15. So he's admitting he doesn't really do anything? What would you say, you DO here, Tim?
  16. We are the same age. Although I didn't hear about Office Space until 2000 or so. And I didn't watch it until '02 or '03. It's in my top 5 for sure.
  17. I don't know, maybe. Hey look I gotta go but it's been a real pleasure.
  18. Yeah I can't argue with that. Truth is both are incompetent coaches but CS is less smug.
  19. Charlie never had a delay of game to start a game, much less a season. New knee pad rules be damned.
  20. Christmas Vacation is my favorite Christmas movie. I make it a point to watch it every December.
  21. It's pretty great. Russ chugging the beer and the Christie Brinkley scenes are awesome.
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