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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Looks like Cuero is officially done. Their website is offline now, glad I stocked up while I could.
  2. Juicy


    Sunday's episode was a rough watch.
  3. Is there a way to turn off avatars like the old site? We did return to office and some of the avatars are just not safe for work.
  4. Manning Colt Vince Young Everyone else.
  5. Awesome breakdown and analysis. Thank you.
  6. Dude this was an epic breakdown, I wish there was more action on that thread because you really nailed it. If that was all your analysis fucking KUDOS to you.
  7. This may be a really dumbass yank question, but when they heard there was going to be a chance of snow, why wouldn't they drive down some salt trucks from somewhere and pre-salt the roads? I understand most of the country is getting pounded but $$$$$$ makes the world go round, would have though Jerrah would have at least gotten a few to clear out everything close to the stadium.
  8. I agree with you! I think your biggest problem is the drivers who see wet pavement and freak out thinking it is ice and refuse to touch their gas. I am now realizing you were talking about the temperature not the roads. Yeah a few degrees warmer and it is just a sprinkle of rain.
  9. As a notherner, I would say yes. It usually takes decent accumulation or several days in the 20s for a small amount of snow to stick the the roads/grass. Anything under an inch usually melts right away. A couple inches may cool it down enough to stick.
  10. Take the Michigan blueprint. Your D line is good enough (or at least it was in September) stop the run with 2 big DTs and 2 set edges, drop 7 and confuse the shit out of Howard. Also helps if you lay the absolute lumber on him and he thinks he is playing from outer space.
  11. Will kind of be hilarious for Minny to lose next week and have went through the entire season only losing to two teams and out in the first round.
  12. that extra week of rest is huge for the lions. Get at least a few guys back. the home throughout is really really nice. the Vikings winning 14 games and going on the road is dumb.
  13. O’Connell’s game management cost his team a chance at this. Not sure the vikes would have been able to hold it together to win but he killed any chance of that with his 4th down decisions. Have a feeling you will get the chance to run it back in a few weeks.
  14. Member all those people dogging the Gibbs pick? Dude is insane.
  15. Yeah Penn State has no chance beating either of these teams. UGA beat Texas twice but without a QB that may be a tougher task. Please God beat Ohio State, they can not win it all, and a ND/O$U championship game would be so disgusting to watch.
  16. Michigan was never going to beat Texas this year, but Bama and Ohio state were both two good offenses that Michigan was able to somehow beat. If Michigan would have had a QB that was even average for the Big Ten they would have been 9-3, 10-2 and everyone would have been bitching about them getting left out of the playoffs instead of Bama. Oregon and Texas were always losses. IU should have been a win for Michigan but Tuttle literally couldn't do anything but get sacked and throw picks. Michigan had a first down inside the 30 with 2 minutes left (and I could be wrong here) and went sack, run for life throw away, sack, side arm huck to the middle of the field to end the game. Oh well, hope you skullfuck Day and his team of mercs next week. Downs is legit, Smith is Legit, but the rest of the team didn't impress me at all. Go hang 100 on them.
  17. I take it back. Wink is a fucking animal as a defensive coordinator. wish he would have had it click with this team earlier than thanksgiving but without a QB it wouldn’t have really mattered anyway. 8-5 is fucking terrible but honestly happy with the season for Michigan just based on how those 8 wins game. Should have beaten Illinois and Indiana but fuck it they weren’t going to make a playoff run so starting and ending 2024 with wins over bama is acceptable. Ohio state couldn’t beat this offense. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. Poor Ryan Day. Everyone running to his defense doesn't realize they are just keeping his pathetic record against Michigan in the news. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.
  19. Falcons and panthers this week for the vikes and eagles. The NFC is going to come down to lions vs vikes on the final day of the year. Bills at ford field next week. Lions needed that one last night so they don’t have to beat Allen to get the #1 seed. 10 days to heal up.
  20. LOLOLOLOLOLOL day is the softest of soft. His playcalling (even if it was chip’s) and just absolute shook game management would infuriate me if I was an o$u fan. If Ohio state would have worried about playing the game as much as they worried about getting a flag planted after getting beat at home, AGAIN, Ohio state wins going away. to quote #20 “some people just need to learn how to lose” to the buckeye fans here, I feel your pain, I would absolutely want Day fired, but I know how shitty it is to go through coaching purgatory so not sure who you get that is an upgrade.
  21. They absolutely need to get a stop gap 1 year QB to give underwood some coaching and let him ease in. Putting him out there as a freshman behind a line that can’t block is a recipe for setting 11.5 mil on fire.
  22. The money was great but once this popped up that stallions and his manifesto were coaching Belleville o started to have hope.
  23. This is incredible, obviously as a Michigan fan, but also the meltdown from all the LSU people who kept saying Michigan had no chance and was just embarrassing themselves. 11.5 million is insane for a high school kid, but this year shows you need a QB or you are fucked. Go out and get a stop gap for next year someone who can help the kid along and upgrade the o line. Can’t put a freshman out there with the sieve that is the current line.
  24. I will say if you call them and tell them they sent you the wrong color. You you take a picture of the boots and send it to them they will likely send you new pair. Their customer service has been incredible
  25. DUDE..... I thought the exact same thing. They look absolutely nothing like the pictures on the website and definitely more cherry. Fortunately, they sent me a pair of the cherry as well and while they are very similar they were different enough for me to see the differences. Yellow is on the left.
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