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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Or luna making a senior team. That said I love luna, he is just a kid out there loving his life, I wish he was better but he cracks me up.
  2. Yeah I am sure there are quite a few people who are glad they get to remain "anonymous". I know I have said some dumbass shit in the past that is less than flattering to who I am today. The difference is I am not going to be working at a public university on taxpayer dollars. Also I am not racist so there is that. You have to know when you are going into a position that stuff like this is going to come out.
  3. so is this big tony or not? I was super stoked for a minute
  4. Pretty much this. Bo was an icon. He was also basically Archie Bunker. Michigan needs to start to actually vet people. Its becoming pretty old at this point to have to constantly backpeddle.
  5. Detroit is right by canada, they speak french. COME ON! But yeah about 2 weeks into the season I knew the spurs were getting the number one pick. Wild that you have 3 terrible seasons in 30 years and every year you end up with the number 1 pick. In a draft with a generational talent. Talk about luck.
  6. JK he lived. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/pedestrian-lucky-alive-after-being-9877046
  7. yeah I would have taken love's 18PPG on 25 shots over whatever Michigan is going to have to put out there now. A lot less experience and a lot less scoring. Michigan could have had a lineup of Kobe Caleb Love Terrence Shannon Jett Hunter This season and been a contender, instead they have none of them and will likely miss the tourney in back to back years. I don't see how Juwan makes it past this year, he got to coach both of his sons at his Alma Mater. Jace will graduate and Juwan will get a polite exit.
  8. If they didn't lose Kobe, Jett and dickenson I could potentially see that, but Michigan has legit no scoring for next year. Love at least would have been a high usage guy on a team without any.
  9. Back to back years Michigan has lost a top transfer player because they basically want them to start all over and not allow any transfer credits in. Terrence Shannon, Caleb Love, can't wait to see who they lose next year.
  10. When your team is as bad as the pistons are....... yes. Every fall I get hype for the possibility and then by thanksgiving....... its how high can we go in the draft. If you are a shit team like the pistons, and not in LA/MIA/NYC as a destination for players it would be helpful if there was a way to get some of the top talent.
  11. Looks like Danilo hasnt even played a game for the celts so can scratch him off that list.
  12. Horford, Blake, Brogdon, White and even Galinari arent superstars but they are all solid players. None of them were home grown. I guess if you have a core of Brown, Tatum and Smart you can get players to come and play there. Dumars killed the pistons by letting all their good draft picks go for washed up old balls players. Would have been nice to have guys like Dinwiddie and middleton or at least gotten an actual return on them.
  13. It will never happen, but if the NBA wants parity they are going to have to implement something where each team can only have 1 Max player. Other wise it is going to remain super teams and the squads like pistons and rockets will have a ton of young players and could be fun, but will never actually be a threat. They arent going to be able to keep their young squads together for 7-8 years to get them to their prime, and they arent going to be able to add an all NBA player to their young core to make them competitive. It really is lottery purgatory.
  14. Yeah it seems like the pistons are going to end up with one of the Thompson twins and that is pretty terrible. I guess I could be wrong but they just seem like they are destined to bust. I guess it was better to win it Cades year than some but damn it would have been good to get this one. Spurs.... Robinson, Duncan, Wemby.... Come ON
  15. As a pistons fan, last night was tough. pistons had one shot to take a leap. and 3 shots to be decent. Instead they are going to finish with the worst record in the league in back to back seasons. No top free agents are coming to detroit and they are going to start 4 dudes in their 1st or second year (if this was a redshirt for cade). With Vic they could have been good (middle of the pack in the east) in 2025, with Miller they could have at least had a shooter on the team for 2025 with a shot at making the playoffs. Now they are going to suck until Ivey, Duren and Cade all have to be reupped. fuck.
  16. Juicy

    USMNT 2023

    Theres only one thing left to do, win the whole fucking thing. At home in 26.
  17. Holy shit lol. Not only do they have no primetime games, every single game except one is at noon. That has to be depressing (but expected) as a Houston fan. This was the lions last year, they had thanksgiving day and then all 1pm starts until the final week got flexed. It really does suck to suck.
  18. The final push barry vs cousinou is going to be so good. How they fit in Hank and Fuches is going to bring it full circle to comedy again I feel.
  19. I didnt even think dream sequence, I was so focused on the fact that "jump ahead" scenes seem like such a cop out, but this one, holy shit, literal Saul at the Cinnabon stand good.
  20. The worst part about this season for me is the movement away from the team, the team made the show great, now we get 5 minutes of team and 45 minutes of keeley and teds divorce. Ending the show every week with ted having hope on a reunion with his wife is pretty heavy handed foreshadowing. The team segments are the best segments, need more of those, and way less keeley.
  21. Juicy

    2023 NFL DRAFT

    Completely off topic. But here is the best write up you will get on mazi. https://mgoblog.com/content/so-you-wanna-draft-wolverine-mazi-smith Should be one on schoon in there too. https://mgoblog.com/content/so-you-wanna-draft-wolverine-luke-schoonmaker I absolutely loved shoon as a player. May have been a bit of a reach to Dallas. but I would have loved him as a lion. Everyone was so hyped on Eric all but schoon just made fucking plays.
  22. Juicy

    2023 NFL DRAFT

    Rapid fire post catching up. I have no fucking clue what the lions were thinking. If they wanted an RB take Bijan at 6. I don’t hate Gibbs I think he is a better version of swift, but why take him at 12 when he 100% would have been there at 18. If they can use him like CMC or Debo and spread him all over the field to create matchup issues the pick could be a lot better than just a first round RB Campbell is the same way. The lions scored a late round gem with rodrigo last year and then resigned the Kirkland brand clay matthews in Anzalone. They couldn’t stop the run because they have no DT or 3 techs. They passed on Carter. And took a LB z that wasn’t a position of need, but also a dude who may have been there at the 34th pick. Two incredible reaches, and passed on a better RB and the best player in the draft at your biggest position of need (Carter) in doing so. Also super frustrated that a team that seems to know what the fuck they are doing and was just in the Super Bowl ended up with both players I wanted the lions to take. Carter/Nolan. Brad Holmes has done an incredible job turning the shit he was left by Patricia and Quinn into a functional team, so he has garnered some good faith, but damn if this doesn’t look bad. 3 picks in the second round. End up with a couple of branch/Porter/Avila/cam smith/Washington and then he draft will look a lot better.
  23. Juicy

    2023 NFL DRAFT

    Yeah 100% he didn’t help himself with the weird shit he was doing. Eating whole bananas skin and all, putting mayo in coffee and general douchebaggery. That said. The lions don’t have a back up QB and 3 2nd round picks. I wouldn’t mind taking him with one of the later two. Need to get a CB or DT with the pick at 34 though.
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