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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Juicy


    The time jump sequences are probably the worst part. As everyone has mentioned it is terribly confusing, Wife and I were like how the fuck are Rip and Beth in a hotel 2 minutes after she cried in his arms at the ranch.
  2. Juicy


    show kinda sucks without Costner. Have to finish it, but feel like this could be a GOT final season.
  3. My final 2 pairs are supposed to be delivered today. The Oak Cavaliers are really good looking boots. Will post pics after they are all del.
  4. Question for those that are more boot knowledgeable than me. Since I am ending up with a few pairs of the same boots in my boot windfall (they just refunded my entire purchase again because the last delivery was only one of the two pairs), am I good to just leave them in the box for 5+ years and break them out whenever the others wear out? Or should I take them out of the box, or at least condition them? If not in the box what is the best way to store them?
  5. Detroit has more TDs than incompletions over the past 6 weeks. That is an absolutely fucking bonkers stat.
  6. It is so crazy that he was just an afterthought in the Stafford trade. Detroit has put him in a position to succeed and he is crushing it.
  7. It looks like they are literally everything on them is identical, Cuero just doesn’t have the variety that Tecovas does. If they aren’t in the same factory in Leon then they are next door neighbors who share everything.
  8. So this is getting weird. I just got an email from Cuero. They just shipped me two more pairs of boots on Friday, and when I logged into my account they refunded my original purchase with store credit. I somehow hit the boot lotto. I am going to end up with 3 pairs of their eastwoods in sahara yellow since that is all they have left in a 12, and 9 total pairs of boots for $280. Upon inspection it seems like the "new" cuero boots are literally tecovas. The Brand on the bottom of the sole, the stamp in the shaft, and the toe stitching are identical to my cartwrights. Wonder if Tecovas gave them a cease and desist and that is why they "unofficially" went out of business?
  9. I fucking forgot about this thread for like a year. Holy shit YES that it is still going on.
  10. But if the field is set on the 8th, they can't change it on the 14th right? Even with a loss? I would think the win over the other undefeated team would jump the Army/Navy PT 1 winner over Boise in the standings. Although Boise has that star power going for it. Especially if Navy beats ND this weekend.
  11. That would explain it then! Thank you. I can't imagine the winner of the AAC championship would rest players for the Army/Navy game but would make for a weird dynamic
  12. So a bit off topic here, but since you brought up Army/Navy.... What happens if they are both undefeated going into the playoff selection? Playoff selection is 12/8 and Army/Navy is 12/14. Could the committee just say "winner of next week is the G5 selection"?
  13. So they were out of my size in one of the cavaliers and they called me today and asked if I wanted a refund, or they would send me a pair of their “the Austin” ropers and an 11.5 EE in the cherry cavalier boots I ordered instead of the 12D I ordered. 4 pairs of boots (one of which may not fit me but I think they will) for $280. That’s like the price of crocs these days. They must be about out of warehouse lease, I can’t understand any other reason they would fire sale like this. For the record I only buy my crocs when they are buy 2 get 2 free and I can get the kiddos new ones. For kids under 5 crocs are literally a gift to parents.
  14. I am sure it has been mentioned on here previously. But Cuero has that crazy sale going on right now. I spoke to a Beth at customer service and she said they won’t be another production and this is the end of Cuero. I got 3 pair for $280 two pair of the cavalier and a pair of the Darrens. My dog ate my OG pair of cueros which caused me to go looking again. Legit can’t beat them for $90. They aren’t the fanciest boots but they are comfortable.
  15. Yeah, losing hutch sucks. He is their best player (Sewell is a close 1a). The offense works well because of how good they all are. Hutch makes the entire defense better because of how good he is. lions went from the NFC favorite (sorry Vikings) to just another good team. I know hindsight is 20/20 but running it up because you thought you got screwed by the refs last year and then losing your MVP is some Dan Gamble shit
  16. He did it twice in the first 3 innings.
  17. I can't take credit for it, its just what he is called. If he gets the call in game 5 and takes it home, I'll give him an OTPHJ and be gay.
  18. Skubs makes up for the Tigers missing so badly on Mize at 1/1 He was pretty much the unanimous pick so I don't blame them, but that one stings. Tork has been underwhelming as well.
  19. I have to agree here, that would be fucking bonkers, but the sports talk this morning is all about "why not let him go" if you weren't going right back to him.
  20. As a Tigers fan, I forgot how insane playoff baseball is. That 9th inning was a fucking white knuckle ride. What a game. The conspiracy up here today is they pulled skubs under 100 pitches with the plan he gives 80 more pitches tomorrow if needed. I don't love that idea, but if anyone is going to do it it is that fucking machine.
  21. Yeah, carrying a guy 6+ yards when he has you fully wrapped up is not a Whiff in my opinion. It wasn't like the dude missed, he just got drug and couldn't keep holding on. All time embarrassment there.
  22. The run that saved the season.
  23. Ohio state deserves to go through the 3-4 shit coaches cycle that everyone else has had to endure. Day at least makes them relevant. Chip Kelly or whoever his replacement is could take a 12-2 team and turn them into a 7-6 team
  24. Have you give Texas their flowers. They whooped Michigan’s ass in a way I haven’t seen in a long time. They look like a legit title contender. I would normally say see you again in the playoffs but unless michigans offense starts playing against 2nd stringers like they did in the final drive not sure they make the playoffs. Although Oregon doesn’t look as good as everyone predicted them to be. Still. Don’t want any part of Texas in the playoffs. Would love to see Michigan somehow right the ship. Beat Ohio state and then Texas eliminates Ohio state in the playoffs and day gets sent packing. Good luck to your squad. This one was ugly.
  25. It’s only 1 half but the only team recently that has made Michigan look like this was UGA in their national championship year. This is embarrassing. Even Ohio state and their “greatest offense ever assembled” didn’t make the defense look this confused.
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