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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    I don't think its unreasonable or unlikely to think that (currently) one of the top scorers, in one of the top leagues in the world would be useful in the WC. Goals matter. You need people who are going to put the ball in the next.
  2. Juicy

    Atlanta FX

    Both episodes were great IMO. Episode 2 was fucking hilarious. Fucking Ern.
  3. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    THIS.... Every coach has their own philosophy, but the good coaches are the ones who can adapt that philosophy to fit their players. Put your best players out there and adjust. At the end of the game whoever has the most goals wins. Usually having guys that can score helps with that. Pefok can't press.... OK well..... Pepi can't score..... You don't get points for pressing. Put the ball in the net, and your best players on the field.
  4. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    I am still just so perplexed. Is there any person in the world that thinks Pepi is better than Pefok? Like Pepi is 19, let him sit out, grow and hopefully he keeps developing, but damn it give your team the best chance to win.
  5. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    I feel like this press argument has been lingering around for awhile. Beer needs to figure out a way to use his best players. Our style is fine, but eventually you have to adapt to what you have at your disposal. If Pefok doesn't end up in Qatar its malpractice. If you are going to make a run, there will be some point where you need a goal. Probably should have your best goal scorer in that case.
  6. The MJ leg kick may be my favorite signature move.
  7. please tell me it was don's relatives house
  8. I know the madden champ thing is a running joke, and hindsight is 20/20 but the average fan should not have better situational awareness than the head coach. When they hurried to the line on first down, i was telling my wife no way are they going to run a play, 22 seconds left on the playclock and oh shit they snapped it, OK maybe they were trying to catch the D off guard, they will let this run down to the 2 minute warning so Philly has no time left to score aga..... what the fuck they just snapped the ball again, and now they are hurrying to the line, wtf is happening. My wife probably thought i was having a stroke but it was just an unreal chain of events. Yeah they scored on 4th down but there should have been 20 seconds left in the half not 1:52
  9. Well I guess Harbaugh knew what he was doing. He knew JJ was the better guy, but felt obligated to Cade, so he let the whole world see the difference in the two, and gave Cade a shot to keep his job. JJ earned it. Nothing but respect for Cade, but he is limited in what he can do on the field.
  10. He didn't do them any favors yesterday with his terrible clock management. He gifted Philly 3 points to end the half, and the final margin of victory...... 3 points. I love campbell but he is too emotional. Get pissed off and fired up, but then take a breath and make the right call. First down on philly's 17 with 3 minutes left, he runs a hurry up on first down and then again on second down and its 4th and 1 before the 2 minute warning. Philly keeps all their time outs and goes down the field easily. Could have ran it down inside a minute. First and 10 on the 17, you have 2 time outs and a maximum of 8 plays before you run out of field. Why in the world would you run hurry up.
  11. There was so much hype that he was going to "come home" after a few years in LA and do what Lebron did in Cleveland. Then he signed the extension..... I want the rams to completely implode this year, need that draft pick to be higher than 32nd.
  12. As hyped as Hard Knocks got me for the season I still think the defense is going to be pretty bad. Goff has been getting a lot of hype around town that he is able to throw downfield again and now that he has weapons lots of excitement for the offense. I still think 5-6 wins is the best this team is going to be this year, and I'm good with it. I would take another season like last year with lots of losses, but keeping it close and competing. They are one more draft class away from being able to contest for a wild card spot.
  13. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

  14. Not loving how he is handling the QB situation. But I guess it is pretty tough to bench a QB who just won the B1G championship and took you to the playoffs. If you start Cade, you can bring JJ in for a few series because he can do things Cade can't. If you start JJ, there is nothing Cade can do that JJ can't so no reason to put him in. Harbaugh is trying all he can to keep Cade playing, but I think by the time they get to B1G play JJ will be the guy. Ill take a few mistakes for the big plays vs a game manager that throws for 100 yards against CSU with 61 of that being one play where the WR got 55 of those yards after the catch.
  15. wtf is going on on this page. Twice, two posts above.....
  16. My only complaint. I guess pussy really is undefeated.
  17. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    Maybe it is just because I don't want to believe, but i feel like those may be the practice/warm up kits. im just shocked the Swoosh isn't on the front where it always is, and the swoosh on the sleeve doesn't look stitched.
  18. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    Leak season..... mmmmmmm But yeah. Not great. Look like some gas station knock offs. I don't think this new leak is real though not enough Nike swishes prominently. Also the patch has been on the left side consistently, moving it to the center doesn't seem right. Also the away jersey is too close the the camo blue they just had.
  19. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    Yeah my biggest issue with it is the teal blue. Like why? Go all dark blue if they wanted an all blue kit. That neon or teal or whatever the hell color blue it is is not good.
  20. Juicy

    USMNT 2022

    This can't be real. I don't mind the clean home look though.
  21. The lions seem to have finally figured it out (30th times the charm?). Instead of these fake "rebuilds" they tore it all down and are slowly building it back up. I am so torn this year. Goff is clearly not the answer long term, so I would love to finish dead last and have pick of the two QBs coming out this year. But I hate rooting for them to lose. Last year was pretty perfect. Except for the Bengals game they were competitive in almost all the games and lost 5-6 on literally the final play/drive of the game. That is what I want. Them being competitive but losing and getting that QB they need. I also hope the wheels completely fall off in LA (wishful thinking) and the rams finish middle of the pack. Would love the lions to have the number 1 pick and then another one at like 16-18.
  22. Eva would crush in the old man. The hostage wife and the daughter, are like having shittier versions of Wendy Byrd and Skylar White.
  23. 100% the scenes with the dogs are amazing. Take out any scene with any female (dont cancel me bro) and the show is real solid.
  24. This show is horrible. I wanted to bad to like it, and thought it would be in my wheelhouse, Rotties, Bridges, spy/badassery. The daughter angle is terrible, the flashbacks are terrible, the hostage/wife is terrible. Not sure if they rushed it, or what is going on but they failed. If it would have just been bridges and Lithgow and some action they could have saved it, but the storylines that are hanging around the edges are just so bad, and the wife is awful.
  25. I think he just used that as a distraction to get into the laundromat knowing gus would go there.
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