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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Our neighborhood has been infested by a gaggle of wild turkeys. We are on a dirt road that ends at the lake and one of the neighbors set up a turkey feeding station. Now they have infested from her house all the way down to ours on the lake. Wasnt sure where to put this but I kind of want them gone. They have power in numbers so they aren't even phased by our dogs, they just puff up and the dogs are like fuck this its 30 to 2. and yes I have thought about shooting them, but I am pretty certain it isn't turkey season in metro detroit and that my feeding the turkeys neighbor would snitch.
  2. I believe the current preferred nomenclature is spit-roasting
  3. I am a 12, ill stay away from the ones you want haha.
  4. I sent myself a meeting maker for March 1st next year to check out if they are doing the 2020 clearance. Ill buy a few pairs at $99 if they do it again.
  5. not a lot of sizes left but https://www.cuero.com/collections/men/products/the-eastwood all their boots are $99 down from $250 shit saw you already tried that.
  6. I saw this in the thread and figured why the hell not take a shot. They came in today. There weren't many styles/sizes left so I ended up with the Eastwood espresso instead of the cherry as that's all they had in a 12. I was kind of hoping when I called in to ask about exchanging them they would tell me to go ahead but instead they said if they don't have them they will just issue a refund. Also pro-tip I learned. If you leave your items in the cart after entering your email address after 3 days they will send you a 20% off code to use for the items in your cart. So I ended up with these for $79.95 Hell of a deal, regardless of the color.
  7. Since this is a UT board I am sure most of you guys haven't forgotten about him, but he is my favorite UT player of all time so I have to give him a shout out whenever I can. I didn't realize he playing in 2010 I thought he was way older than that.
  8. Tshimanga Biakabutuka From back when Michigan could actually beat O$U
  9. It means you dont have to wash your legs because the soap that runs down from your pitts will clean them
  10. not the best thing I have seen today, the black chick with the crabs nabbed that crown. But this was good.
  11. this is the best one in awhile
  12. Dylan McCaffrey (Ed's son, Christian's Brother) replaced patterson at halftime of the Wisconsin game. On the second series down 35-0 he got grossly targeted suffered a concussion and back to Shea the reins went.
  13. I remember watching that and just yelling step up, step up. Instead roll out right into the pressure. As a michigan fan I have watched them all. Them beating ND in a blowout in a monsoon was only due to the fact that all they did was run up the middle for the first 3 quarters.
  14. I have no hard feelings against the kid but he was a guy who had all the talent in the world and a .02 brain. Ill see if I can find the video where the OL literally pancakes the entire defensive line and he has no one anywhere near him, yet he still gets happy feet does some asinine roll out roll back and fires a ball 20 feet over the WR head. not the exact one I was looking for but this will work, and show you all you need to know about Shea
  15. Yeah TB was definitely not the problem. Shea Patterson was by far the worst Michigan QB I have had in my lifetime (if you don't count the DickRod Steven Threet Nick Sheridan experiment) Black could have had 7-8 TDs easily last year if Shea was remotely close with his downfield attempts. This is a recap of Patterson from just one game. https://gbmwolverine.com/2020/01/01/michigan-football-missed-opportunties-vs-bama-story-shea-pattersons-career/
  16. Guys one time on the old shag I got Doxxed. Not sure if you heard that or not.
  17. it seems like a lot of people have attempted answering this, but before the transfer everyone up here was hoping that he returned for 1 more year so that is what I thought.
  18. I don't venture in to the recruiting section too much. I was pretty disappointed that both Black and DPJ left after last year. I was hoping having McCaffery throwing them the ball would be enough of an upgrade to convince them to stay. Instead one transferred out and the other went in the 6th round.. The #SheaDifference. I don't know enough about UT WRs but based on Black's talent I would expect him to be a day 1 starter on every team that isn't O$U, Bama or Clemson.
  19. He doesn't need a WR coach, he just needs a QB that can throw catch-able balls.
  20. You guys just got a good one in Tarik Black. Has had injury issues (broke both feet in different injuries back to back summers) but is a total stud. Will be rooting for him wearing the burnt orange this year. Having an actual QB to throw him the ball instead of Shea Patterson is going to do wonders for him.
  21. You guys just got a good one in Tarik Black. Has had injury issues (broke both feet in different injuries back to back summers) but is a total stud. Will be rooting for him wearing the burnt orange this year. Having an actual QB to throw him the ball instead of Shea Patterson is going to do wonders for him. https://www.burntorangenation.com/2020/4/28/21193985/tarik-black-graduate-transfer-texas-longhorns-football-michigan-wolverines
  22. Holy shit that is a great Youtube video.
  23. Really? I actually just looked it up and looks like as of 17 they are legal here as long as it is folding.
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