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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Juicy

    Shit my co-worker said

    Well land line would be correct if you were talking about phone, working for one of the big 4 phone providers for awhile we had a large focus of switching users from land lines to mobile. Now if you are talking about internet that is a different story.
  2. I always ask for refunds on movies where multiple actors should be nominated for Oscars. I also always watch movies that are a steaming pile of crap multiple times. jesus.
  3. With Dirtbag Urb gone and Sparty's complete lack of anything resembling an offense Harbaugh has to put it together this season or he may never do it. When the news of Harbaugh to Michigan broke I don't think there was anyone in the world who would have expected his run at Michigan to be this bad. He also announced that Michigan was going to be playing a game on foreign soil. I hope that soil is in Indy. Seems pretty foreign to Jimmy.
  4. She isnt in this movie unfortunately.
  5. Juicy


    Michigan couldn't hit last night so I am not sure it mattered much but if they get that strike out there its a completely different game. Kauffman has more confidence and likely goes an ininng longer which gives Criswell more time in the pen and less innings to close out. Huge domino effect. Coming out of that inning 1-1 would have made it a hell of a game.
  6. Juicy


    hell of a good run, not a great game to end it on. Go Blue
  7. Juicy


    If I am Bakich I am going Kauffman to start and then at the first whiff of trouble putting Criswell in and hopuing whoever vandy runs out there isnt named Kumar
  8. Juicy


    Save criswell at this point. Throw every other arm but him and Kauffman unless they can grab the lead
  9. Juicy


    With the tigers being so brutal recently I forgot the anxiety that watching playoff baseball brings
  10. Juicy


    I am glad they didn’t force criswell or Kaufman to go heads up with Kumar. Save the two studs for game 3 if needed
  11. Juicy


    Woooooow that is a fucking killer
  12. Juicy


    I hope they don’t bring criswell in without the lead May need him tomorrow to back Kaufman up
  13. Juicy


    Tommy Henry is a fucking stud. Hell of a performance.
  14. That is amazing I agree. I just couldn't care less about the buckeyes, I dont open their threads because i dont give a fuck. The fact that 90% of the posts in this thread are from O$U fans cracks me up
  15. i love how many fuckeyes post in this thread. you would think that will all of the success they have had recently they wouldn't be as obsessed. Amazing that even when their team is great all they can think about is Michigan
  16. wowza USA USA USA
  17. this is great for you guys
  18. this is a huge fucking get for you guys, he turned Michigan from a run and gun live by the 3 die by the 3 to a beast on defense that could muck it up and win games. After losing B-line there was hope that he would stick aroudn to help the transition as he was a beast recruiter as well. Sucks.
  19. i am pretty sure every michigan fan would have given up harbaugh to hold up to Beilein. this is a sad day
  20. would have made for a much better story if Jamie wouldnt have blown his whole redemption arc, making up with Cersei and would have killed her, rang the bells and then Dany went mad. The jamie death was the worst of last nights mistakes.
  21. https://external-preview.redd.it/zid_WUCXYyi8PQ5Hpm8Uhb_qZEtwQgOjjZ4X8tq6s6Y.gif?format=mp4&s=a1e0b1b217a52883936af27477443ae41511a48e
  22. The funny part is that there is someone out there that reads that website and thinks, not only is this funny, but its so funny I need to continually share it with others.
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