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Stella Link

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Everything posted by Stella Link

  1. Take your pick....he's forgiven every time he pulls this crap....(he doesn't seem to be hurting for jobs...SNL, his own show, movies, etc., etc.)...
  2. Baldwin will be celebrated in the media. They will say the 49-year old man "had it coming to him for not giving up his parking spot for Alec in the first place, and that Alec is an "important person" who needed the parking spot more than the other guy". Please, please Alec...just go away.....
  3. You would assume they teach bus drivers not to drive into deep water on the road. Secondly, that's a pretty nasty looking bus!!
  4. You can also call the police to have a plain-clothes police officer at your house when the person is scheduled to arrive. If you still have the phone number of the person who now has the wallet, have the number traced.
  5. That's why I don't do roller coasters. As a small kid, had a nightmare of all of the cars flying off the track and crashing onto the ground. Always thought it would be my "ghost of Christmas future"....
  6. Family of man shot in his own apartment files lawsuit against Dallas and the fired officer https://abc13.com/4564714/?sf200956543=1
  7. How do they know it was a geek ship? Technology people never get any respect....
  8. Damn! This is just like Michael killing off the heads of the five families.....
  9. I like this idea. Just think of the super cheap real estate development opportunities. High rise condos and mixed-use developments right on the coasts....
  10. Relax people. This is just USPS misdelivering the mail again. Happens every day.
  11. What can I say? Beautiful people instinctively know where to shop....
  12. She can blow my roof off anytime. Don't care if her name is Willa, Gladys or Gertrude....
  13. Hurricane Willa. So, does anyone know a chick named Willa?? Where does the World Meteorological Organization come up with these stupid names?
  14. Don't get too excited....this is probably the peak....
  15. Healing prayers heading your way. God bless her, you and your family.
  16. Agree...listening to the radio broadcast....
  17. As Jambi would say...."Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho"....
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