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Stella Link

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Everything posted by Stella Link

  1. 1950s "To Tell the Truth" and "What's My Line" 1970s "Match Game" and "Family Feud" all on BUZZR
  2. Q: What did the apple say to the orange? A: Nothing, silly...apples can't talk!
  3. Bob Lanier....stood up to Bud Adams Judge Ted Poe...loved it when his sentences included carrying and displaying a sign in public
  4. A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey! We have a drink named after you!". Confused, the grasshopper replies, "You have a drink named Steve?"
  5. I'm a runner and developed joint pain in my knees several years ago. Arthritis runs in my family and both parents had it pretty bad. My aunt told me to take a teaspoon of cod liver oil every day. Yeah, right. All I needed was a old wives' tale solution. Since nothing else worked, I tried it. Two days later my knee pain was gone. Now I take three capsules every day. Whenever I stop taking it, the pain comes back. Don't know how, but it works for me.
  6. Normally don't have a problem with spring pollen, but this year it's kicked my butt.
  7. Confucius say: "Man who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up in morning with stinky finger".
  8. Legendary Houston socialite and philanthropist. A street is named after her off the South Loop.
  9. Q: What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? A: Where's my tractor?
  10. Q: How much does it cost a pirate to pierce his ears? A: A buccaneer!
  11. Q: What do you call a cheap circumcision? A: A rip off!
  12. They probably have him hooked up now to keep him alive.
  13. Q: What kind of bees make milk? A: Boobees!
  14. 1. Kirk Douglas (102) 2. George H. W. Bush (94) 3. Bret Michaels (55) 4. Carol Channing (97) 5. Henry Kissinger (95) 6. John McCain (82) 7. Larry King (85) 8. Burt Reynolds (82) 9. Bob Dole (95) 10. Baba Wawa (89) For extra points: Carl Reiner (96), Mel Brooks (92)
  15. Q: Why can't you trust trees? A: Because they are so shady.
  16. Not much at all in west Houston...
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