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Stella Link

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Everything posted by Stella Link

  1. Still...can't believe you got these pics without some John running after you. Always impressed with all of your work.
  2. Hole in the pocket isn't the only thing that will be burning....
  3. Anything that makes Bud Adams spin in his grave (crypt) is fine with me....
  4. But here's the big question.... Will this freeze knock out the cedar for this year????
  5. Unbelievable the number of panhandlers along Westheimer. I quit going to the Exxon at Beltway and Westheimer because they ALWAYS have panhandlers either next to the door, or waiting for you near the pumps. I've also had people driving up behind my car while I'm pumping gas yelling at me to get my attention. I just ignored them.
  6. Uh, looks like something more is going on in that "Dream House".....just saying.....
  7. Best TV ad of all time....
  8. Wonder if "Barbie's boyfriend" Ken will make an appearance, and Ken's "buddy" Allan.....that could take the plot into a whole different direction....
  9. Just some editorial comments...
  10. Bobby Brown (53) Shia LaBeouf (36) Peter Max (85) Quincy Jones (89) Johnny Depp (59) Willie Nelson (89) (again, sorry) Baba Wawa (93) Kim Jong-un (38) (Christmas wish list) Brigitte Bardot (88) Vladimir Putin (70) (Christmas wish list) BONUS: Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei (83) (Christmas wish list)
  11. WTF....just saw a headline that Mike Leach was taken off life support....didn't read the article...came straight to here. STUNNED!! WOW!! I'm hoping I'm having some shitty dream!!
  12. Someone tripped on the electrical cord and the plug popped out of the wall socket....
  13. Actually, the COH is in the middle of a 5-year water price increase that will almost double water bills after 5 years. Money is going towards rebuilding the aging and deteriorating water treatment plants around the city. Now, I'm sure this will never happen in Houston again....#sarcasm
  14. Entire City of Houston placed under boil water notice after system outage https://abc13.com/boil-water-advisory-city-of-houston-notice-under-advisroy-power-outage/12501616/
  15. QUESTION: In Japan, how do you order one egg sunny side up? ANSWER: Yoko Ono
  16. That is correct. Cloth and beans.....at least you could eat the beans when you went broke....
  17. Cryptocurrencies = Beanie Babies 2.0
  18. Q: Why did the lumber truck stop? A: To let the lumberjack off.
  19. Dame Shirley Bassey from "The Sound of 007" in concert, October 4, 2022.... 85 years young. Wow!!
  20. Got my new PC with Windows 11 and decided to sign up for a Microsoft account (didn't have much choice). Denied all settings except location. So far, so good. I'm staying logged out of the Microsoft account (and store) so it doesn't look like it will be that intrusive. So far, Windows 11 isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
  21. Well, I see all of the fancy Schmancy hurricane graphics and maps, but until I hear it from the real expert, Frankie MacDonald, I ain't buying it....
  22. I'm getting a new Laptop using Windows 11. Should arrive in a couple weeks. From what I have been reading, when setting up the new Windows 11 PC out of the box, there is an option to sign up for a Microsoft account (or have a local account without a Microsoft account). Seems like the only advantage for having a Microsoft account is having access to a bunch of apps in the Microsoft online store. I've looked at most of the apps and really not interested. Is there an advantage of having a Microsoft account I'm not seeing? Or should I skip this and sign up for a local account only?
  23. Recipes are mostly finger food.... (But I did hear his refrigerator seats six)....
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