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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Back in the day I had a neighbor that was a forest firefighter turned insurance saleslady that moved here to sell fire insurance to the people in West Travis County. Said it's not a matter of time before something LA style happens. Anyway probably too non sequitur.
  2. I was thinking this too, but that's like a two day museum.
  3. Yesterday was national overdose awareness day, but I don't think it's possible to overdose on aggy misery.
  4. PXL_20221015_153615709.TS~2.mp4 I forgot how to shotgun a beer. Good game & tailgate, assholes.
  5. Y'all stop by the tailgate on your way out of the stadium
  6. He doesn't want to use the place after done. He's psycho ex boyfriend mode.
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