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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MFEU93MK9S8IW6K6FV0X

  1. Back in the day I had a neighbor that was a forest firefighter turned insurance saleslady that moved here to sell fire insurance to the people in West Travis County. Said it's not a matter of time before something LA style happens. Anyway probably too non sequitur.
  2. I was thinking this too, but that's like a two day museum.
  3. Yesterday was national overdose awareness day, but I don't think it's possible to overdose on aggy misery.
  4. PXL_20221015_153615709.TS~2.mp4 I forgot how to shotgun a beer. Good game & tailgate, assholes.
  5. Y'all stop by the tailgate on your way out of the stadium
  6. He doesn't want to use the place after done. He's psycho ex boyfriend mode.
  7. I had ordered some tires from Specialized and FedEx lost them. The Specialized customer service guy said "sorry man, we refunded your money. Here is a code for 15% off anything on the site." I quickly repurchased the tires before realizing wait a minute, that could have been put to better use. Ha, oh well.
  8. I have video of him putting the blue flag out too. I need to go back and find it, but from what I remember he threw a bunch of tags down and at various times the maintenance dudes tossed tags back up. They also showed the tags to a bunch of bystanders. I was a bit confused as to what was going on with the tags but assumed each one represented a task that needed to be done.
  9. Yeah, the ground sloped up away from the train and I was on the highest spot up against a fence. I just held my phone as high as I could. There was this one dude taking pics with an old school large format film camera, you know the kind where you put a sheet over your head to look through the viewfinder. People gave him all kinds of space.
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