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  1. Hang in there. I’m sure things will turn around for you.
  2. Told my wife during the game that I hoped all Texas scores would be on reviewed plays. Just adds fuel to the fire.
  3. When? Because it’s not going to be next weekend.
  4. Makes a lot of sense that you’re aggy.
  5. Does his cross have a little wheel on it?
  6. He’s gotta be so annoyed that Elon is co-president.
  7. This thread doesn’t have poors flying in the back of the plane in case you haven’t noticed. If there’s a middle seat, it’s too far back.
  8. 1. Wrong thread. 2. Be less poor and don’t fly in the back of the plane.
  9. And that his family doesn’t want to spend time with him based on how much time he spent posting yesterday.
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