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Everything posted by royiv

  1. royiv


    Where the fuck is Hartzell? A lot of silence from the administration while Greg’s Gestapo is occupying the 40 acres.
  2. royiv


    Not to threadjack, but it’s almost as if you’ve never read one of lobo’s posts. They’re like 95% bullshit anecdotes. Scroll and move on.
  3. Now we have your address so we know where to pick up some sweet new A/V equipment.
  4. Years ago I interviewed a dude for a job in a field that requires significant postgraduate education and training. Meaning that this guy, at least on paper, should be a pretty civilized dude. In my routine search of the web after I interviewed him I found his website for his side hustle. What was this side hustle? As a guide for hunting bears in Siberia. Only in this case, the bears were at a severe disadvantage since they were fucking hibernating. Needless to say, he did not get the job. That and his criminal background check revealed he had been arrested for beating the shit out of the guy his wife was cheating with and then stole his Rolex.
  5. It’s like a train wreck watching someone continually show their ass. How someone can be so ignorant and intellectually stupid is quite breathtaking.
  6. I don’t understand the (racist) argument here. Are you insinuating that we should do away with government subsidized housing?
  7. The outfit that recently paid $800 million to settle a lawsuit surrounding lies they spread across their outlets? Super credible.
  8. Picking up a hacksaw, gloves, ammonia and some trash can liners?
  9. You should write fatty a heartfelt thank you note for all those tax dollars he gave to support your family of deadbeats. /sarcasm
  10. He’s pissed that deadbeats like teachers, nurses, civil servants and others like that got a few thousand dollars of student debt forgiven. He’s too dumb to understand that those deadbeats had been paying interest for years and only the principal was forgiven.
  11. I’m shocked that you don’t want to be in the part of town that has arts, culture, diversity, thriving culinary scene, no aggys….
  12. Lol. You live in some shitty Houston suburb. You’re sucking more from the government teet than you contribute and you’re too dumb to even realize it.
  13. Definitely giving Kyle Rittenhouse a run for the money.
  14. That’s skirting the question. An adult pedestrian is very different than a child that is smaller, shiftier and harder to predict than an adult. You move the goal posts a lot in your quest to stan for Tesla.
  15. How many kids have run out in front of your Tesla while you’ve been beta testing FSD?
  16. Dude, be careful around the guys with a bag of Pings on the back of their bike.
  17. My wife says that we are our dog’s poop butler.
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