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Everything posted by royiv

  1. royiv

    Media Bias

    Why do you think physicians are such an easy mark for PE? Docs have made a lot of bankers and PE funds very, very rich over the years. Bad with money? Yep. But also rubes that let investors convince them that they can solve all of their problems. See any parallels?
  2. royiv

    Media Bias

    I see the just asking questions crowd slept in, but finally woke-up and had their first cup of coffee.
  3. royiv

    Media Bias

    Negged for posting misinformation garbage from Twitter. Be better.
  4. 1. Are the in-laws loaded? 2. Is there a prenup involved in the upcoming nuptials?
  5. No one can ever argue that Vegas doesn’t know how to put on a show. That was bad ass.
  6. Mark’s was on Westheimer and was later home to Chris Shepherd’s five year project, One Fifth, which got disrupted by the pandemic. It now sits empty, but is going to be renovated into a Japanese concept as if we need yet another one along that stretch of Westheimer.
  7. royiv

    Media Bias

    Holy shit, how did I miss that GRU is a chiropractor? This is the content that I needed tonight. I’m laughing my ass off because it all makes sense now. Every DC I’ve ever met thanks they’re super smart, but they all believe the dumbest shit you can make up.
  8. royiv

    Media Bias

    I truly hope you are a bot. If not, I feel sorry for anyone that depends on you for anything as you are an abject moron.
  9. If you do decide to the Grand Canyon be advised that it will be quite cold there in January.
  10. Read an article in the Chronicle that said he’s likely to keep his police pension because he resigned before he was charged with any crimes.
  11. royiv

    Media Bias

    Imagine thinking this guy, a person currently in prison, is a legitimate and unbiased source of news.
  12. And those people live in a swing state. Their votes have an outsized influence on who the next President will be. The electoral college sucks.
  13. Great post. I’ll only add that one side has decided tolerance is woke so it’s a sign of strength to punch down. I am highly intolerant of people who punch down.
  14. Glad to hear it’s still going strong. Stayed there about 10 years ago and absolutely loved it. Beautiful location, great rooms and very quiet.
  15. royiv

    Media Bias

    Fake news. You should feel ashamed for citing Breitbart as a legitimate source of news and information.
  16. royiv

    Media Bias

    The irony of this post in light of the post you just made in the Elon thread.
  17. Absolutely not. I understand the sentiment, but you’re toeing the company line. I don’t trust Miles or the Board of Managers that are all Abbott stooges. Get rid of them and I’ll vote for the school bonds.
  18. Agreed. I think he will get his turn next time around. Whitmire is doing a pretty good job of pissing off people across the political spectrum.
  19. I like “Declutterring the top of the Tower.” Has @Mitch Cumsteen’s wife been using the roof for storage?
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