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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Seems like a great idea to allow all vets with severe PTSD to have access to weapons so they can commit suicide. I’m sure families that have lost their veteran to suicide would all agree with you.
  2. Look, I’m no fan of Garza. If I lived in Travis County I would have voted against him, just like I did against Ogg in Harris County (oh, noes Soros also donated to her opponent). But pointing out Soros contributions while ignoring shitbag billionaires on the other side is disingenuous at best.
  3. Approximately 0.62% of the amount that Abbott accepted from Jeff Yass and 1.2% of the amount accepted by Dan Patrick from Defend Texas Liberty PAC whose main supporter is Tim Dunn. BUT SOROS!!!!
  4. It’s literally a Fox News story reposted by the NY Post. A one two punch of journalism for idiots.
  5. Where did you stop for burgers on the way home?
  6. Much more expensive to repair collision damage than ICE cars.
  7. royiv

    Texas Primaries

    Fuck ‘em both.
  8. I understand that. I was asking about the district that she currently represents. Did the Rs put up a viable candidate in that district?
  9. royiv

    Texas Primaries

    The only live sports I’m watching at this time of year is college basketball and I watch on streaming so no local political ads.
  10. Have the Rs put up a viable candidate in her current district or have they ceded that district to the Ds? It would be great if she loses her seat in Congress AND the Ds flip a seat. I haven’t really been following the race since she switched districts.
  11. royiv

    Texas Primaries

    A lot of old farts on this thread that still watch broadcast & cable TV. The biggest benefit of cutting the cord is that I’ve seen exactly zero campaign ads on my TV screen this cycle.
  12. Hertz is selling off their Hertz fleet at fire sale prices right now, but as @gsoda3 mentioned, there’s a reason they’re unloading it on the cheap.
  13. Zaza has a fleet of house cars. Just have one of them drive you downtown.
  14. Just to clarify, stay at the one in the Museum District. I told a friend to stay at Zaza last year and his wife accidentally booked the one in Memorial City. They wondered why I recommended a hotel on the Katy Freeway.
  15. It still blows my mind that 240,000 people in Austin voted for a substantial tax increase to have the city and Cap Metro manage a gigantic infrastructure project. Anyone who knows an iota about the City of Austin knows that infrastructure isn’t exactly in the city’s wheelhouse.
  16. IVF is a booming business in Utah, not usually thought of as a progressive state, due to the predominant religion’s beliefs towards having children. I would love to hear from politicians from that state.
  17. Dad should also be charged with and convicted of child endangerment IMO.
  18. I would be too paranoid about every little scratch or scrape with that thing to be able to enjoy it. No way in hell I would let any of my Neanderthal friends near it.
  19. There are plenty of posters on here that feel the exact same way. It’s not just Texags. The difference here is that they post on the football board.
  20. I think that one is much more likely since Swedish Hill is owned by MML and they are partners in the redevelopment.
  21. Now do Tim Dunn, the Koch Brothers, David Green, etc.
  22. This. He’s spending billions on a migrant transportation system that enables and encourages illegal immigration. He might as well be placing ads in Central America promoting free transportation. Someone should create a mock advertisement with Greg Abbott promoting free plane and bus rides to the destination of your choice in the US.
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