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Posts posted by royiv

  1. 6 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Lot of Harris County R’s going to be voting in the Dem primary to save Ogg 

    If Ogg makes it out of the primary, I’m going to have to think long and hard about voting for the Republican in the general just to get her out of office.

  2. 1 hour ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Here's what I don't get... if it's so damn cheap to buy politicians, why aren't other billionaires doing it to simply pay the price to have them be decent human beings?

    Why isn't Michael Dell or Mark Cuban funneling money to these politicians to have them just cut this shit out? Oh, a $6 million donation to Abbott to have him be pro-voucher all the sudden? Here's $10 million, now ban assault weapons and cut out the voucher shit.

    $3 million to Patrick to protect Abbott and go on a diatribe against impeachment? Here's $5 million -- find an AG who isn't corrupt.

    The same Mark Cuban who just cashed a huge paycheck from the Adelson family? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    What the fuck were they even shooting at?

    That’s the craziest thing about the video to me. They just start shooting indiscriminately in a neighborhood with people out and about. They don’t even take a second to positively identify a threat before they start unloading their weapons.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 2 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    No golfer on the planet can handle yells or spikes of noise during their swing, not even Tiger (who had the most epic swing brake I've ever seen and he had to use it often because of this). Elite athlete has nothing to do with it. Unless you want to contend that these guys aren't "elite athletes". 

    Okay, they’re not elite athletes. Plenty of other athlete handle distractions just fine.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. Just now, TonyTexas said:

    I would love to stand in front of you while you’re on an important business call screaming BABALOOWY!!!! constantly and see how you like it. 

    I would be more annoyed by that instead of you yelling Baba Booey.

  6. 1 minute ago, dieucla98 said:

    Do you play golf? Have you attended a PGA event?

    Shooting a FT and swinging a club are on entirely different planes. You're calm and loose during the entire sequence of a FT. Golf swings are tense and torquey. 

    FT have a significant margin for error. Golf swings do not. 1 degree of swing plane or face angle is the difference between flush and fat, green and OB, draw and hook... Getting startled, even slightly, is enough to cause that. 

    You also get far more "startling" noises on a golf course because it's generally quiet compared to a basketball game. As stated above, constant noise isn't an issue. They're all teeing off with roars in the background, airplanes flying above. That's not the issue. The dumbass on their phone or just being a belligerent drunk are the issue. 

    I do and I have. I lived in PHX for 20 years and attended the PHX Open many times. It’s a blast, especially if you can get an invite to a Skybox on the 16th. If you’re an elite athlete you should be able to adapt to your environment. The guys that do the best at the PHX Open are the ones who embrace the environment and don’t let it get under their skin. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    It's their livelihood and their caddie's livelihood. Not all of them are top 50 in the world, making dozens of cuts and getting paid each week. A lot of them are struggling to cover their costs, particularly caddies. So ya, I get it if they get pissed if some drunk moron in the desert thinks he's more clever than he actually is.

    Basketball players don’t require silence when shooting free throws and kickers don’t require tranquility for a game winning field goal. Yet professional golfers are delicate little flowers who can’t tune out noise.

  8. 2 hours ago, dieucla98 said:

    I'm certainly not alone in my opinion, see Jay Monahan story above. When top brass wants to can a long running, high revenue, high visibility stop on tour, things have gone way south.

    We all can agree, watching golf is a niche thing. This is their attempt to make it for everyone and for those of us in that niche, I think it sucks. Hearing the fans constantly mouth off stupid shit repeatedly (way more so than usual) and then watching players have to react, sometimes aggressively, is not appealing to me. It really wreaks of LIV.

    It's a shame because I think the course actually sets up for great golf - tough front you have to slog through but a very scoreable back with some great risk, reward shots (tee shot and approach on 15, tee shot on 17) and a good finisher on 18. 

    Professional golfers are self important pussies if they get upset about noise while making a shot. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    dibs on 'Honolulu Taint' for alt.ukulele indie band name.  

    Also-what the fuck are they doing to that office building on top of Ego's?  It gets weirder and weirder each week.  

    The Related Companies owns it and have submitted an application for a PUD.

  10. 10 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    When is this city going to get some gotdamn museums? Even Fort Worth beats Austin in this category. Yeah the Bullock museum is cool and all but it’s almost a quarter century old

    Fort Worth has a lot of old money, which Austin does not have. I doubt you'll ever see Elon donating money to fund a world class museum. The Dells are just about the only thing Austin has when it comes to big time philanthropy and their giving is focused primarily on healthcare and children. 

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, PvilleStang said:

    When people on the radio or TV state "there's an accident at I-35 and 290" but don't clarify which part of town they're referring to.  The 290 and 35 intersection NORTH of the river, or the one SOUTH?



    The sentence "Take Airport to 45th to Mopac" should give you enough clues as to which side of the river she's referring to.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Thrawn said:

    I did not know that. I have rather fond memories of Falls Creek. Not the church part of it obviously, but let's say the social aspect. You just can't cram that many young boys and girls clergy together and not expect them to make their way together. Sometimes in some biblical ways. Not that I would know anything about that last part. Seriously, I was a dork with zero game. Still had fun though.


  13. 2 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    Fair enough. The one thing that sticks out to me is Chanel and Hugo Boss being Nazis. For my part I won’t ever give them any money and wince when I see people— especially gays, blacks and Jews— wearing Hugo Boss.

    Also I don’t like to take any Bayer-backed medicine. 

    How do you feel about modern day companies like Nike and Apple using child labor?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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