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Posts posted by royiv

  1. 2 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    It's lovely, and I would live there in a heartbeat if circumstances allowed for it.  But what's good for the Copenhagen ain't necessarily good for the Austin.

    I'm in a midsize truck as well, and don't regret the change a bit (except when on long drives at times).


    2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    So much this.  Copenhagen is an amazing city.  I'd be happy living there.  It's amazingly bike-able.  That is owing, in large part, to 1) its climate (it's temperate - its summers are lovely, and its winters are actually pretty mild), and 2) it's as flat as a pancake.  So, yeah...things that work great in Place X often don't translate to Place Y.

    Expecting Austin transportation to work just like Copenhagen transportation would be as dumb as saying "hey, I built houses in San Diego, none of them needed A/C, don't know why you'd put A/C in a house in Austin!"


    39 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    Copenhagen is half the population of Austin and 1/4th the size/acreage.

    Jesus Christ guys, was just making an off hand comment about @Samson's Wig Denmark joke. No shit Copenhagen and Austin are different. No one thinks they are comparable.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Skipper said:

    Just heard the craziest COVID people I know (somewhat friend of my wife and her husband) contracted COVID for a documented 4th (or maybe 5th?) time (I'm guessing they test about 50X per year with every sniffle). Under 40, completely healthy, have gotten every booster within days of it being available, never had an issue with actual COVID beyond a minor inconvenience (including multiple confirmed infections before Paxlovid existed), and I heard they immediately went and got a Paxlovid prescription in a panic.  Just blows my mind how some people loaded with antibodies and actual experience with the disease still fear it like its April 2020.  It just broke some people.

    I prefer the overly cautious to the assholes who go out and put the vulnerable at risk when they're contagious. I don't think your friends are the broken ones.

  3. 5 hours ago, Longhorn94 said:

    of my 7 member family - me, and two of my sons still have not caught the covids. the wife, daughter, and two other sons have had it. all are up to date on boosters and most recent vax. the ones who got it were in NYC or coming from a conference. all had very mild flu / cold like symptoms that resolved within a few days.


    is it too bold to think i might just make it without ever catching the vid?

    Mormon or Catholic?

  4. 2 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    Even when we do something right, we have to fuck it up at least a little with politically based choices that make nitwits who wish they lived in Denmark happy, even if it's at the expense of reason. 

    Spent a week in Copenhagen this past November. Even in dreary winter weather, I could think of worse places to live. Pretty cool place and the Danes were super friendly people.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  5. 10 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Honestly, we're a few months away from a non-existent train station being announced that will take you to Zilker Park for a Blues on the Green that isn't happening.  

    Does fucking Bob Wheeler run Project Connect?  

    This would be the least surprising outcome. Almost four years since Prop A was approved by voters and there's still not even a design ready to submit for federal funding. If the train ever breaks ground, it's going not going to look like anything that the voters were sold on and it won't open until the mid-2030's. 

    Don't get me started on airport expansion or, more accurately, lack thereof. The City of Austin can't do infrastructure. It's just not in the city's DNA.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 7 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Is this because there is no longer going to be any sort of rail, we will continue with the status-quo, but still have the Project Connect tax?

    You know that was the endgame the moment Project Connect was approved by voters.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 7 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    My guess is that when you start investigating you will find more reprehensible behavior from organizations you use or cannot avoid.   Dupont's penis shrinking teflon, the chicken you eat being processed at plants where they dump fat foam in creeks,  your cereal was created to stop you from touching yourself,  your BMW which used forced jewish labor, etc.   


    No doubt. But I can avoid Tesla so I do.

    As for BMW, it's funny that you bring it up since I have two sitting in my garage and it's definitely something I've thought of, but the fact is that the two I own weren't built with forced Jewish labor since they were both built within the last six years. I also haven't heard that the CEO openly supports things that I find reprehensible. If I did, I would move on the next time I needed a new car. Lots of manufacturers out there to choose from.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 13 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    I don’t get those that can’t dissociate the car with Elrod.

    My GF has a model Y. I think it’s a fine car. She digs it. And I’d strap Elmo to one of his rockets if I could. So what.

    Henry Ford was a nazi. Mustangs and f150s are still awesome.

    I don't get those who can dissociate the car from the CEO and largest shareholders of the manufacturer. Not only that, his cars are ugly as ass from the exterior to the interior.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. 9 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

    It's the school board and administration. Those piddling school board elections have consequences too.


    Not if you live in HISD where the elected school board was replaced by political appointees.

    • Rage+1 4
  10. The short term pressure to get airframes out the door is a byproduct of massive delays in development of new aircraft. Shorting engineering and design investments has resulted in repeated missed deadlines. Boeing hasn't delivered a new aircraft on time in more than a decade. The 787 was delivered years behind schedule and has had various quality issues. The MAX was delivered late, went through an 18 month global grounding of the fleet and the MAX 10 still hasn't been certified. The 777X  had its first flight four years ago and still isn't certified. Boeing is a complete mess of a manufacturer.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Deej said:

    Still zero need for one there. What percentage are checked out from that location?

    Can't find that statistic yet, but I'm still digging as I would be interested in knowing. I was surprised that the number of books checked out electronically wasn't a higher percentage of the total circulation as I know tons of people who check out books that way. I guess there are more people out there like me that like a physical book than I thought.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Deej said:

    I work with a lot of people under 30. They all read e-books on their phones. Libraries are dead.

    In 2022, Austin Public Library had a total circulation of 6.75 million items. Of those about 2.4 million were electronic. That doesn't scream libraries are dead to me. 

    • Hook 'Em 7
  13. 2 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    I was in that OfficeMax at 5th & Lamar a few weeks ago.  I have no fucking idea how they afford that rent since nobody ever shops in there and half the square footage is dedicated to showcasing furniture nobody buys.  So that pen/marker/pencil station on the end-cap.  I get a phone call and grabbed one to jot something down on a piece of paper I had on me because I can't type on my phone for shit with my giant hands and carry on a conversation at the same time.  Anyway, I'm old now and must have just dropped the thing in my pocket.  So I skip the shopping I needed to do and started heading outside to the car to get back to work to deal with this issue raised on the call.  And this tiny female cashier literally boxes me out with her hand on her earbud and other hand on her hip with a "Can I help you sir?  Ready to check out sir?"  And her really snarky tone caught me off guard.  And I realized they must have had some 'eye in the sky' monitoring camera and I must've kept the pencil I was writing with a moment earlier.  So rather than cause a scene, I just walked back deep into the store and noticed I did have a pencil in my pocket so I just dropped it in the stacks and walked back out.  I just plain forgot and didn't give fuck one but it was a pretty baffling move by her manager to tell her to confront me over a fucking $1 pencil.  I'm 6'1" with extremely broad shoulders and those massive hands that are bigger than her fucking head.  i would never, ever physically confront a woman but her and her manager don't fucking know that.  To radio her to stop me over a fucking pencil, that's just irresponsible.  If you want to show off your loss prevention prowess, shut the fucking $40/foot NNN storefront for starters.   

    dude, you're the reason we had to put those big plastic handlebar things on cassette tapes 40 years ago. ;) 

    Your fanfiction is getting further and further afield. 

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