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Everything posted by royiv

  1. It cracks me up that the tough guy snowflakes are the ones who need and receive special treatment to protect their feelings. I thought they were supposed to be the fuck your feelings crowd.
  2. Not to mention he admitted he was trolling to get a reaction. Truly a bizarre response to what was actually happening in this thread and then quadrupling down on it.
  3. Just looked up her age out of curiosity. 42 years old. Why can't we have someone like that in the White House instead of an octogenarian?
  4. If you had asked me if Richard Simmons was still around, I would have guessed he was dead.
  5. I think we know what word was on the word of the day calendar today.
  6. Backdoor chicken sounds like something that would be very popular in College Station.
  7. Property taxes were killing them and the family needed cash to pay for long term care for the Guerras. Yay for killing an iconic business.
  8. Okay. I didn't live in AZ for 20 years and I'm not married to a UA alum. I stand by my original post. We can revisit it when Fisch flames out at UW.
  9. No, you refused to engage honestly and it turned into monkeys flinging shit.
  10. Who gives a flying fuck? A mom and two children died. That's a tragedy any way you want to spin the story. Isn't that terrible enough for you?
  11. I would absolutely advocate that we should reallocate resources from futile border enforcement to doing all of the things above and, hear me out here because this is going to sound crazy, implement legal pathways for people to work in this country and pay taxes. Instead we are spending crazy money with theatrics along the border and shipping immigrants across the country.
  12. Despite evidence to the contrary given the number of BP apprehensions, would you say this is an efficient use of state taxpayer dollars?
  13. Both DeBoer and Fisch made questionable moves in my mind. I would never want to follow a legend like Saban, but given what's left behind at UW, I can understand him wanting to GTFO while the iron is hot. I still don't think he'll last more than three seasons unless he captures lightning in a bottle and can keep Alabama competitive at the top of the SEC. Fisch is the one that I super don't understand. He's walking into UW with a complete rebuild of the roster on his hands. He could have stayed behind in Tucson and been competitive in the Big 12 in year one. When the UF job opens up, he's be perfectly positioned to get that job. Instead, he's heading up to Seattle to a team with a gutted roster and moving into the Big 10 that plays a slightly different variety of football than what he's accustomed to in the Pac 12 and upcoming Big 12. I'm betting he flounders there and won't be candidate for his dream job at UF when it comes open. Super shortsighted, IMO.
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