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Everything posted by royiv

  1. This isn't the Joe Rogan or the COVID thread.
  2. royiv

    Dallas | Burgers

    Note to self to hit up Maple & Motor the next time I'm in Dallas.
  3. Agree. Not that there's a lot of work life balance in the coaching profession, but at least there's a modicum of it in the pros.
  4. Byrne may regret saying that they would have a new coach announcement with 72 hours.
  5. Herb is rolling over in his grave seeing what the airline he built has become.
  6. Got it. Thanks. Didn't know you had to provide financial info to get merit these days. It wasn't that way when I went to school. I feel for you guys who have to go through the college admissions process these days. It seems like a massive pain in the ass not to mention having to manage your kid's expectations.
  7. Buffalo isn't getting CFP championships, final fours, etc with or without a dome.
  8. That's not how it works in today's transfer portal and NIL world. As an AD, you have to assume you're going to lose a big chunk of your roster any time you make a change at HC.
  9. They should probably up the offer to include free booze.
  10. Wasn't questioning the value of the service. I definitely see the value proposition there. Was questioning the need to full out a FAFSA. I was making the assumption that if you can afford the service, you're not qualifying for need based aid. Again, I'm an idiot on college admissions since I don't have kids and was fortunate enough to have academic scholarships and help from my parents to pay for school so I never had to go through that process.
  11. Because you want to win some sort of dumb internet argument instead of just being a decent human being.
  12. Serious question because I don't know the ins/outs of college admissions these days. If you've got $5k in discretionary funds to hire an admissions consultant, why would you need to fill out a FAFSA? I would've thought you're not qualifying for federal aid if you can afford that sort of service.
  13. Agreed. My dog is either inside, in the backyard with me or my wife or on a walk on a leash. It would be extremely difficult for him to get out without me seeing it happen.
  14. I'm usually a rodeo entertainment line-up apologist, but this shit is laaaaammmmme.
  15. I heard they're changing the free letters in the bonus round from R,S,T,L,N and E to M,P,R,T,Y and U.
  16. I don't know about that. Seems like some young MBA has upper management written all over him for an innovative materials and labor cost savings program by eliminating pesky bolts.
  17. What kind of felonies are we talking about here?
  18. The point was that McAfee isn’t making $17 million from ESPN for his show. He has a whole lot of expenses he pays out of that figure, including the appearance fees he pays, before he gets to his take home. He’s doing quite well for himself, but it’s not nearly as much as the numbers people throw around without understanding how his deal with ESPN is structured.
  19. Incorrect. ESPN does not own the Pat McAfee show. McAfee owns it and ESPN pays $17 million per year to license it to air it on their network. Pat pays for production including the appearance fees he pays Rodgers. That money is coming out of Pat’s pocket, not ESPN’s.
  20. No shit. The dude has schizophrenia.
  21. The entire Max fleet was grounded for 18 months. Seems like that would have been a good time to inspect the planes with a fine tooth comb.
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