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Everything posted by royiv

  1. He'd probably have him as a guest in his box given that he is a donor to his campaign. Not to mention his donations to the campaigns of Abbott, Patrick and Paxton.
  2. Kimmel is paid by Disney. Rodgers is paid by McAfee. Disney pays McAfee a global fee for his show and McAfee is responsible for the production costs. The appearance fees that McAfee pays have been controversial in some circles.
  3. This. Based on working in midtown, this is the answer I was going to give. At $1.5m or below, you can get into something nice in Lower Arcadia or west of 44th. Close to work, close to Scottdale (it's so close that it's in Scottsdale schools), close to the airport and downtown. Tons of great spots in the neighborhood all within walking or biking distance. I Ioved every minute of living in Arcadia. The only regret I have is selling the house I owned when we moved to Houston in 2019. I would be up an additional 50% had I held on to it.
  4. What's your price point?
  5. I could be totally wrong, but I think I remember that TM won't let you price below face.
  6. Makes sense. Never easy to beat the same team twice in the same season.
  7. People who brag about not reading aren't usually the most intellectually gifted.
  8. Dude needs to lock that down. Way out of his league.
  9. Tons of tickets still available on the resale market. Some fans with the balls to travel to NO without tickets are going to be rewarded with some really good deals.
  10. Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one.
  11. Overhead shot shows a maybe half full parking lot. Lol.
  12. Oregon is the pool boy to Falwell's wife.
  13. With a 99% acceptance rate, he could do that and still matriculate at Liberty.
  14. Fuck Liberty. Evangelical University of Phoenix.
  15. Interesting take from a guy who is getting in bed with one of Trump's biggest donors.
  16. I shudder to think of what a stripper in Beaumont looks and smells like.
  17. Again, no shit. That's nothing new to the sport. There are always going to be people resistant to change and try to gain power with control. You're not making some earth shattering point here. It's not like there was unanimous support for NIL in the first place.
  18. Well, no shit. It's not like gamesmanship off the field hasn't been part of sports since forever.
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