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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Herding a group of 10-20 drunk people through New Orleans late at night sounds like my personal hell.
  2. Pretty much everyone. Go read any bio of a famous chef like Robuchon, Ducasse, Ramsay, etc and it will refer to the total number of Michelin stars they've earned.
  3. That's a pretty big increase from last year. The most expensive ticket at SoFi was $1,175 and the club amenities there are a lot nicer than NRG.
  4. Her father, 56, and mother, 58, must be so proud. Makes for some interesting conversations when grandpa is nearly 30 years younger than dad.
  5. You're making an assumption that it's an oops. There's guys out there that see having multiple children with multiple women as some sort of status symbol of virility and manliness.
  6. Damn. Down ballot candidates have to be seriously worried about a lack of resources at the national level.
  7. This shit is such a scam to line the pockets of bus and, now, charter airplane vendors all the while Abbott can crow to the Fox News crowd about being tough on immigration. Imagine what could be done if this waste of money and resources was redirected towards humanitarian aid.
  8. Start beating your patients to a bloody pulp and shooting their dogs. Problem solved.
  9. No one with questionable ethics has ever been successful coaching college football...
  10. Stassney did a great job summarizing it. I will add that Chandler is a lot more family and since you're a single dude, you're going to be surrounded by people that are at a different stage in life than you are. Keep it relatively centrally located in Scottsdale and you're going to encounter a lot more singles or at least folks that don't have soccer practice in the morning. It's also a much easier drive to the things to do in Central PHX like Suns games, D'Backs games and the good restaurants/bars.
  11. Not all Washington fans live in Seattle just like not all Texas fans live in Austin. I think the Sugar Bowl as a CFP game is going to have a slightly different draw than the Alamo Bowl.
  12. Yeah, this is the direction I was going in with the question regarding age.
  13. He feeds off the hate. Seriously, he gets off to it. Heckling him just reinforces to him that he's owning the libs. The best thing to do is just ignore him and act like he doesn't exist.
  14. That's got to be a troll job. The only thing he could have done to make it better is swap out Kohl's for Dillard's, but they're both probably about the same these days.
  15. I was in Austin for a conference back in late 2020 after things had fully reopened. Since it was a conference with a bunch of co-workers I went ahead and stayed at the hotel instead of with my family like I normally do. My wife also joined me because she is friends with some of the people I worked with at that time. Long story short, despite my warnings and protests, a big group of us end up on dirty 6th one night. Walking around earlier in the night around 9p was totally fine. Around midnight, I told my wife it was time to get back to the hotel. Stepping out of the bar, we were immediately greeted by the sound of gunshots and throngs of folks that were looking for a little more than a craft cocktail. We put our heads down and walked as quickly as we could back to the JW Marriott. It felt even more unsafe than Bourbon St. At least in NO, the cops have a visible presence and don't fuck around when someone gets out of line.
  16. Respectfully disagree. The West Valley is shitty unless you moved from the Midwest and think Red Robin is fine dining. I have never found anything redeeming west of the 17 and that comes from someone who is a PHX stan.
  17. Are you manufacturing meth out in AJ?
  18. Do not listen to anyone who suggests Glendale or Peoria as a good place to live. The West Valley is where your soul goes to die. Cave Creek and Carefree have some cool things up there, but would absolutely suck as a single person unless you're a retired snowbird.
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