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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Tempe is a great place to work since it's so centrally located. That gives you tons of options on places to live. It sounds like you're getting a lot of advice to head in the Chandler direction so the question I have is are the dudes in the office also single with no kids? Without those two things, you don't need to give a shit about schools or how close the nearest Costco is. Since you're going to rent for a year, I might try to find a good rental house in Scottsdale south (arbitrarily) of Shea. You would be close enough to work and also close to the best parts of Scottsdale, Phoenix and Tempe. The dating options around that part if town are also a ton better.
  2. I think renting for a year is a great idea to get an idea for the area before you commit to owning. The Valley has something for just about anyone with the exception of a vibrant downtown living scene, but even that has made a ton of progress over the last decade. What part of town will you be working? Do you have wife, kids, etc? Chandler wouldn't be my choice, but a lot of people love it out there. We're not suburb people so hence the reason we made Arcadia in PHX proper our homebase for so many years.
  3. I'll second this. We have a sectional and a couple of sofas that we custom ordered from Bassett and have been very happy with the quality.
  4. Sounds like you need to buy him a set of high end fake tits.
  5. Do you know what part of town you will be living in? It's a huge, sprawling city and where you live will have a big influence on your quality of life. I lived in PHX for 18 years with 17 of those being in Arcadia. Absolutely loved that neighborhood and would happily move back at some point down the road.
  6. Dropping in to say fuck MAGA Mack. Don't give that addled fuckstain a dime.
  7. I can see this sort of thing being pretty devastating to the roofing industry. For the longest time, it seems like roofers and homeowners have been in cahoots to get a new roof replaced every 10 years or so at the expense of the insurance company. You could probably draw some parallels to the health insurance world where people are more willing to seek conservative treatment when the CT scan for their headache is a $2k deductible versus a $10 copay. Edit to add: Probably not a bad thing in the long run if it weeds out the fly by night scammers and the end result is the reputable roofers being the survivors.
  8. Garza being a lousy DA is one of the few things with bipartisan support in Travis County. Same could be said about Ogg in Harris County.
  9. I can't imagine why someone who is into culture, food and luxury hotels would ever want to visit New Orleans. It's completely bereft of those things.
  10. Received my homeowner's renewal today and it went up about 67%. Houston. Home built in 2018. No claims on this particular home and no claims for me ever in >20 years of homeownership.
  11. How do you know someone went to Duke? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
  12. The only game I can think of that is split at the 50 is the RRS. All other games are split along the benches. That said, with the number of tickets that go to sponsors, etc as versus the schools, there's going to be fans from both schools that buy on the secondary market in their respective enemy territory. If you want to be in Texas territory, buy along the side of the visitor's bench.
  13. You're posting on a message board. Of course you're going to get responses. For someone who posts as much as you do, you seem to lack a basic understanding of how these boards work. For someone who likes to portray themselves as a power broker and influencer, your lack of self-awareness is Trumpian in stature. Keep telling us how we all should sit down and let the adults do the work. How's that working out?
  14. Your narcissism and need to attempt to big time other posters is very Trumpy. Real leaders and difference makers don't have a need to constantly tell others how great they are. A dose of humility would be good for you.
  15. But, but, but you've told us so many times Paxton was going to be hanging from a bridge in Mexico. FWIW, bumper stickers are tacky.
  16. Damn. That's a great idea. I'd throw some change at that.
  17. You don't get shit done. You spin fairytales on the internet and self fellate while shitting on everyone else and calling them stupid. How's everything working out with Paxton, big guy?
  18. I'd prefer not to put a woman seeking life saving healthcare through the hell of a medical ordeal to be followed by the hell of a legal ordeal.
  19. I know you love to lecture anyone who will listen about how smart and connected you are, but letting the "adults" like you do the work is what has gotten us into this mess. You regale us with lots of tales of skullduggery and conniving strategery and yet things only get worse. You might want to take a look in the mirror instead of taking your condescending tone with the passionate people who are engaging to raise awareness and call out the politicians and wannabe power brokers.
  20. That guy has alpha male written all over him.
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