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Everything posted by royiv

  1. You have to be a special piece of shit to not have empathy for what this woman and her family are going through right now. This is not the Texas I was raised in where we looked out for our neighbors.
  2. Lots of dudes that peaked in high school ID'ing themselves in this thread.
  3. Nightmare fuel to watch the person who is about to kill your wife and daughter kick down the door to your home knowing there's nothing you can do to help at that point. That poor guy is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.
  4. Do you get a robe and hood with every purchase?
  5. sacrosanct adjective sac·ro·sanct ˈsa-krō-ˌsaŋ(k)t 1 : most sacred or holy : INVIOLABLE 2 : treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation
  6. I love how all it takes to infiltrate one of these events is a t-shirt or hoody with some variation of faith, family, guns, freedom, blue lives, etc on it.
  7. December 11 is when he has stent placement. Ready to go for the second half!
  8. I can't find a link, but I remember reading that it's a residential development. It sticks in my mind because I thought residential was an interesting choice adjacent to railroad tracks.
  9. Fair enough. Just wondering whatever happened with that saga. I hate a good story without a resolution.
  10. I looked at Zillow earlier to see how much houses in Windsor Park are going for these days and most of the listings were in the $600s and up to $800k. I dated a girl who lived in that neighborhood when I was in HS and they definitely weren't fetching that kind of money back then.
  11. New poster who has so far posted AI art making fun of the aggy students killed in the bonfire incident and Michael Vick in a Longhorn uniform in a boxing ring with a huskie. Now throwing around threats and slurs like a real POS. Great addition to the community.
  12. Might want to have the second line leave a little earlier than an hour before kick-off if it's a 27 minute walk. Security at high profile sporting events can be a bitch in my experience and getting to the venue 30 minutes before kick doesn't leave a lot of margin to get in, grab a beer and get to your seat.
  13. So a history of domestic violence, evading monitoring and mental health issues and he still had access to weapons? Makes total sense.
  14. Does the computer button activate registering a truck in your name?
  15. Geez, dude. What the fuck does Michael Vick and animal abuse have to do with Texas? You need to take a break from your weak AI art game as evidenced by this one and the one in the A&M thread.
  16. And selfies from Chez Zee.
  17. From firsthand knowledge from another school that has been in the playoffs, there's a ton of work that goes into it before they even get to the point of notifying who gets what. From the moment the athletics department was informed that the team made the playoffs, the ticket office has been working nonstop. They have been on the ground in New Orleans determing ticket locations. They are determining how many tickets they have at the various price points. They are working through how many tickets will be available after VIPs, university dignitaries, BOR members, athletics department (including team and coach's allocations), band, students, etc. I'm sure those guys are working their asses off and will be until all ticket orders are fulfilled and then once again when they get to New Orleans for the game. Give them some patience and grace. It's not an easy job to complete on a tight timeline.
  18. What caliber Spree is most effective in a spree shooting?
  19. Those big money donors will still buy their allotment to give away to friends, clients, etc.
  20. A lot of professional venues and university athletic departments are in bed with the resale sites. Look no further than Seat Geek's sponsorship of UT athletics.
  21. That's making a very large assumption that better candidates would be interested in the job.
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