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Everything posted by royiv

  1. I think mom calling the guy ex-boyfriend was wishful thinking on her part. She’s too busy trying to fix the dude who beat the shit out of her.
  2. This. People who want to split everything to the penny are annoying. In my group of close friends we usually just rotate who pays. One time you might get a cheap meal and one time you might get hosed on an expensive one, but over time it all evens out enough that none of us worry about it.
  3. Trump is much more experienced in committing crimes and being corrupt. The fact that he can only get to 40% should be concerning to his campaign.
  4. Teenagers shoplifting at a grocery store? That’s never happened in the past. The country has gone to shit. MAGA!!!!!!
  5. Looks like the chairs at the dentist’s office.
  6. I did lots of times. You are going to be sorely disappointed in the Houston version setting up shop in that spot. It’s best to keep the fond memories alive in your mind and not be expecting what you remember. Because it’s not that. If you want to import a deli from Houston, lobby Katz’s to lease the space to Kenny & Ziggy’s.
  7. Yo, I’m aware. Born and raised in Austin. Now call Houston home. Katz’s sucks. It’s a generic deli powered by Sysco with a location in the fucking Woodlands. Pining for Katz’s returning to Austin as a harbinger for old Austin is silly.
  8. Greg gonna have to fly up to Oregon to retrieve the Kia and his daughter while the boyfriend gets a taxpayer funded airplane ticket complete with an armed escort back to Austin.
  9. Um, yes. Katz’s sucks shit through a straw.
  10. Katz’s never cleans. Also, a restaurant chain from Houston opening an outpost in Austin isn’t a harbinger of old Austin making a return.
  11. Right around the time that people who moved to Austin six months ago started complaining about Austin being too crowded and lamenting the loss of old Austin.
  12. I’ve seen a couple in the wild and can’t decide if I like it or hate it.
  13. I don’t think it’s up to the victim to decide whether or not to press charges in DV cases.
  14. I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I’ll take a guess that this behavior isn’t very much out of character for these two little love birds. I thought it was telling that the dad of the woman beater seemed concerned, but very much not hysterical.
  15. Were the little scamps armed with JR-15s?
  16. I bet the remains were turned into chokers.
  17. @Horn75, do we have your blessing to resume calling Swindell a dumbshit?
  18. Oooooops. You weren’t out of line in the least. It was exactly what your intuition told you it was. Shitty mom goes on joyride with shitty dude. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  19. Did you ask them to go check the immigration status of everyone in the kitchen?
  20. Anyone know who is/are the father/fathers of the kids? Is the ex-bf a parent of one or more of the kids?
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