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Everything posted by royiv

  1. $15k for an option that has repeatedly not lived up to Elon's promises seems pretty cost prohibitive to the average consumer, but congrats on paying to be a beta tester.
  2. I would definitely want to be up to date on all my shots if I was stepping foot on a Spirit aircraft.
  3. royiv

    Bitch-Made BBC

    OP had a rough night. He had a bizarre rant on the Tell Me About Texas A&M thread around the same time he started this thread.
  4. She's awesome. She represents my neighborhood and I had the privilege to work on her campaign as a volunteer in 2022. We need more politicians like her.
  5. Drunk frat boys from other schools are generally such great fans?
  6. What about the other 17 required vaccines?
  7. Get the fuck out of here. This is the Democrat's fault? Are you fucking serious?
  8. What is that creature on the right side of the screen?
  9. One would have to be a fool to pay for FSD given Tesla's long history of over promise and under deliver.
  10. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't FedEx Home use contractors for delivery versus UPS using employed drivers?
  11. Earmuffs are a whole lot cheaper and Amazon can have them at your door tomorrow morning.
  12. Why should we be appeasing radical gun owners to get rules in place that save lives? You can't negotiate with terrorists.
  13. Why would I do that? I already stated that we should just get rid of guns. I think your hobby is dumb.
  14. You're a fucking moron. Please tell me your very serious and practical path to gun reform. How many people die of gunshot wounds while we wait? Because we currently have lots and lots of guns and lots and lots of gun violence.
  15. Fuck off. Your "sensible gun owner" schtick is old. One side owns this crisis. Quit trying to both sides it. People say opinions on the issue can't be changed. They're wrong. I went from a gun owner that supported sensible gun control measures to someone who has disposed of all of his weapons that is now a gun ban absolutist. Why? Because one side won't budge so why should my new side negotiate with terrorists?
  16. Guns are a public health issue. Ban them.
  17. Nope. We accept the carnage in this country as the cost of freedom to unfettered access to assault weapons. If you can't take seeing what happens, you're not a freedom loving American.
  18. I can’t imagine FedEx telling their pilots to quit to go fly regional jets for American is very good for morale. https://www.businessinsider.com/fedex-pilots-american-airlines-psa-freight-cargo-demand-travel-2023-11
  19. Dude is littering the planet with kids that are going to grow up seriously fucked in the head.
  20. What does that translate into for your rainwater collection system? How did it fare through the summer drought?
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