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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Guns are a public health issue. Ban them.
  2. Nope. We accept the carnage in this country as the cost of freedom to unfettered access to assault weapons. If you can't take seeing what happens, you're not a freedom loving American.
  3. I can’t imagine FedEx telling their pilots to quit to go fly regional jets for American is very good for morale. https://www.businessinsider.com/fedex-pilots-american-airlines-psa-freight-cargo-demand-travel-2023-11
  4. Dude is littering the planet with kids that are going to grow up seriously fucked in the head.
  5. What does that translate into for your rainwater collection system? How did it fare through the summer drought?
  6. But enough to speculate on his politics?
  7. Don't know much about Kelce or Taylor Swift, do you?
  8. Can confirm. Overpriced crap for people looking for a scene.
  9. In her defense, that Z-pack isn't going to do shit if you truly have a cold. An antibiotic isn't going to touch a virus. At least Sudafed, mucinex, etc treat the symptoms of a cold rather than taking a worthless antibiotic for a virus.
  10. Someone send that poll over to MTG. The resulting tweets would be amazing.
  11. Because our state constitution is bloated and outdated document that has outlived its useful life.
  12. But it's just a matter of time before Cletus wins the next billion dollar Powerball jackpot.
  13. And not questioning whether or not these propositions are actually addressing a problem.
  14. It will happen at some point, but for now I'm fine with it being a state-by-state referendum to get younger voters out to the polls.
  15. It's hard to imagine that this intraparty bickering is doing anything to help advance the GQP agenda. It's kind of nice to watch them eat their own and for Abbott to keep pissing down his leg.
  16. The SJL party seems like it would be a lot more fun.
  17. Voted yesterday. Yes to 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 14. No to the rest. Looks like brisket and I had a pretty similar ballot.
  18. Wife and I voted yesterday at the West Gray Multi Service Center. Arrived around 3:15 and the line was around 100 deep. It moved fairly quickly and we were back in the car a few minutes after 4.
  19. That doesn't look appetizing at all. It looks like something my dog barged up and put a pickle and bun on top of it.
  20. Don't roll up in Orange County not expecting some fists to be thrown. You best be packing on the mean streets of Irvine.
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