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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Same, but he wisely saw the writing on the wall that he wasn't going to be able to win with Whitmire and SJL in the race. I'm hoping he wins Controller and then can run for mayor when the geriatrics finally retire.
  2. He knew those people and wanted help so he shot them up? Is that how we do it now?
  3. Where are all these bars and souvenir shops between the aircraft and passport control and customs? Because I've never once seen that.
  4. The cherry on top is the area code on the truck. Yep, you guessed it, 561 the area code for West Palm Beach.
  5. It's interesting to follow the discussion on lot sizes. When my wife and I moved back to TX from AZ, we moved from a 10k sf lot in a central Phoenix area to a 2,500 sf lot in central Houston. I think you would have a hard time convincing us to go back. We absolutely love having a very low maintenance yard and we've found living so close to your neighbors to be a major plus. Our little block is very tight knit. We keep an eye on each other's houses, put Amazon packages in each other's garages so they don't get porch pirated, etc. We socialize a lot more with our neighbors than we ever have before and a it's not unusual for an impromptu happy hour to break out in someone's driveway in the cooler months. I know it's not for everyone, but I love the density.
  6. Even if they get 217 in their side meetings, I don't think this crew can be trusted to hold the line and vote as promised they would on the floor. Too many of these fools like the attention and clicks that comes from creating chaos.
  7. There's a whole lot of catholics that are for completely closed borders. They're the variety that want to pull the ladder up behind them.
  8. Oh, look, Paxton retaliating against the House impeachment managers. Cool, cool. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/09/ken-paxton-impeachment-managers-criminal-complaint/
  9. We're going to need some paystubs posted.
  10. Those are awful. @Al_4_ISU, what say you?
  11. Yeah, was being tongue in cheek about all the morons who blame every loss on officiating.
  12. I was told that SEC referees are going to be the savior for Texas football.
  13. This. I reserve using the word cunt for the most cunty. Lake qualifies many times over.
  14. Just don't let the offense get into the red zone. Need to score from long.
  15. Yormark directly connected to the refs earbuds Do tell, how is Yormark making players run into the punter or commit a false start? These are pretty obvious penalties. Bitch about replays all you want, but the penalties that have been called so far have been accurate.
  16. ABC needs to get their shit together. It's like they brought their shittiest truck.
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