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Everything posted by royiv

  1. royiv

    The Border

    I don't get it. Feels like a big misstep. Democrats are going to hate it and not buy his reasoning and I can't imagine it gets any Republican votes.
  2. I mean, Brady only won 8 games with the Bucs last year and, as much as I can't stand Baker, he has them at 3-1 so he has a shot at a better season than Brady. No, 2020.
  3. Was curious what the most expensive home ever sold in the US for so I looked it up. $239 million for a penthouse duplex in Manhattan. Of course, that home doesn't have deed restrictions attached to it restricting its use to be a private club. I don't think someone is going to buy a piece of property for 8x that amount and want to live in a private club with 500 members. Maybe they want to run it like a business? Dues are apparently $20k annually, but let's say the average member spends $100k a year at the club. That's $50 million in annual revenue. Minus expenses, let's generously say it's throwing off $12.5 million in EBITDA. No one is paying >100x for that.
  4. Totally agree that voter turnout is pathetic in this state, but if people were really pissed about the state of affairs, wouldn't they vote? I know you and Stassney likely feel like it's the streak of losing that suppresses the vote, and there's probably a not insignificant amount of that, but I also think enough people are okay with the status quo and know that they don't need to make the effort to vote because they like the way things are.
  5. I'll agree with you on that point from a GOTV standpoint, but it doesn't seem to stop the large urban areas from solidly voting D. It still doesn't explain why our statewide offices are occupied by extremists if the thesis is that the majority of Texans are independent with a slight conservative lean.
  6. The windsock poll had a 26% response rate for independent and 55% democrat or liberal response. I don't call that a lion's share independent with a slight conservative lean. In addition, gerrymandering has no effect on statewide races so, no, I don't know what you mean. If your thesis on how the voters of Texas identify is true, why is our Governor, Lt. Governor, AG, etc all conservative extremists?
  7. 1. Texas is an open primary state so there's no such thing as a registered Republican, Democrat or independent in this state. 2. If your statement is true, why are statewide offices overwhelmingly occupied by conservative extremists?
  8. Wife and I saw it on Sunday. It was fun brainless entertainment. Good cast. Perfectly good way to waste a couple of hours.
  9. Dang. It seems like ESPN could save the production costs and air an infomercial instead and come out ahead.
  10. But you just know if the roles were reversed, the GOP would have stepped in to save Pelosi's seat.
  11. I have, unfortunately, had the need on more than several occasions to host business dinners in CS and The Republic has always been my move. It's solid. As you said, probably just as expensive as the big city steakhouses, but not a shitty chain and I could expense it.
  12. How long before the narrative becomes that Gaetz is a democratic operative?
  13. royiv


    ETA: As long as the education is based in facts and science and not Christian nationalism ideals.
  14. Citing poe as someone who should be listened to is worth a neg. He doesn't believe that there are any LGBTQ folks in his community. None. Zero. Zilch.
  15. Glad to see the Republicans focused on the important business at hand. I'm glad they finally have their priorities in order.
  16. How it started: How it concluded:
  17. The fees absolutely suck, but as long as people are willing to pay them, nothing will change. Both sellers and buyers get screwed.
  18. Fatty should have been banned IMO for the despicable things he said on Friday night. I think there's no place on this board for someone who makes misogynistic personal attacks on a poster. I'm sure his wife and daughter would be so proud. As for you, it's not your politics per se. It's that you post things and either don't cite them, you use highly questionable fringe sources, you cut and paste from highly questionable sources without citing them, or you use chat GPT to write your response.
  19. He's a trash poster that has a long history of drive-by negging. I reported him for it several months ago and no one seemed to care.
  20. I guess if you mean going from 100 people watching to 200 people watching, then yes. The fact is that the average citizen only cares about jersey color and has no interest in watching how our government works (or doesn't work). This board is an outlier.
  21. MTG isn't getting the votes to replace him. Why would you vote to keep him in place without getting something in return? Democrats voting as a bloc dials up the pressure on the GQP civil war.
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