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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Whose gonna wipe your ass and change your diaper when you're an old man? Same person who will wipe your ass and change your diaper if you do have kids. It's not like your kids are going to be doing that.
  2. Of course, but Trump has told us that his financial statements are ironclad. He should be paying his property taxes on his ironclad appraisals if he's so sure of them. Let's see how he would react to that.
  3. AA and UA haven’t put caps on lounge visits. I think that's a big one that has folks pissed off at DL.
  4. That's one thing I will agree with you on given the path Texas is on and has been on for the last several decades. Second largest state in the nation and second largest economy in the nation. It's pathetic that we're having a serious conversation on this board about smart Texas kids going to middling SEC schools because they can't get a good degree in their own state. I don't think that's okay, but it doesn't seem to bother you.
  5. I like my electrons to be Louis Vuitton.
  7. Now that's a strong endorsement for A&M right there.
  8. Chopes is awesome or it least it was when I was last there pre-Covid.
  9. Yep, and improving. I've been impressed by the UofH leadership. If only they didn't have Tillman sucking up so much of the air in the room, but I get that they're always going to be beholden to their wealthiest alum.
  10. Using that logic UH shouldn't get a second look since it's a "standalone city named university." I guess UCLA grads also don't get a second look since they have a city in their name? Oh shit, I almost forgot that the school that this message board is focused on is the University of Texas at Austin. Damn, another "standalone city named university." You're focused on the wrong thing here to try to win some sort of school name pissing contest. Texas needs to invest more in education or risk massive brain drain. Economic growth grinds to a halt when we can't produce enough quality grads to fill jobs. Companies will slow or stop growing here and we won't be able to attract new ones if we don't have the talent.
  11. My wife's family has a lakehouse a couple of hours north of Portland. When we go up there on our annual summer visit, I see more confederate flags in a week than I have in a lifetime in Texas. You get just a little bit out of Portland or Seattle and that part of the country is like Deliverance.
  12. Someone graduating with a CS or engineering degree from UTD is going to get hired faster than a grad from any of those schools you listed. Also, quit calling them directional satellites. They are neither directional nor satellites. They are standalone universities that are part of the UT system. If the state invested more in those schools we could combat the brain drain of smart kids going to middling SEC schools.
  13. If their kid didn't like UTD or UTA due to the feeling of a commuter school, they're not going to like GCU. On top of that, it's a for profit school with the majority of students attending online. In addition, they have relatively few full-time faculty and literally thousands of adjunct professors.
  14. If you're going to take a look at ASU, you should also look at UofA. I'm not exactly impartial since I'm married to a UofA grad, but I think it has a prettier campus with more of a collegiate feel than ASU does. We lived in PHX for nearly two decades and ASU kind of gets lost in the shuffle of a gigantic metropolis. Tucson is a much smaller city, although not a small city, and is the only game in town. We go to Tucson every year for a long weekend during basketball season and it's one of the trips I look forward to the most.
  15. This sounds like a terrible idea. Sending freshman and/or sophomores to a satellite campus? That seems like a really good way to screw-up the college experience for a bunch of kids. Why can't your "best education" be provided at multiple campuses? Why can the "best education" only be provided in Austin. Honestly, using your logic, the "best education" can only be provided in Houston since Rice is the top ranked University in Texas.
  16. I've been a Tumi guy for a long time, but my parents recently purchased a couple of hard sided Away bags and they are very pleased with them. They have taken them on multiple foreign trips and have great things to say about how easy they are to travel with. Checks all the boxes you mentioned.
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