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Everything posted by royiv

  1. If their kid didn't like UTD or UTA due to the feeling of a commuter school, they're not going to like GCU. On top of that, it's a for profit school with the majority of students attending online. In addition, they have relatively few full-time faculty and literally thousands of adjunct professors.
  2. If you're going to take a look at ASU, you should also look at UofA. I'm not exactly impartial since I'm married to a UofA grad, but I think it has a prettier campus with more of a collegiate feel than ASU does. We lived in PHX for nearly two decades and ASU kind of gets lost in the shuffle of a gigantic metropolis. Tucson is a much smaller city, although not a small city, and is the only game in town. We go to Tucson every year for a long weekend during basketball season and it's one of the trips I look forward to the most.
  3. This sounds like a terrible idea. Sending freshman and/or sophomores to a satellite campus? That seems like a really good way to screw-up the college experience for a bunch of kids. Why can't your "best education" be provided at multiple campuses? Why can the "best education" only be provided in Austin. Honestly, using your logic, the "best education" can only be provided in Houston since Rice is the top ranked University in Texas.
  4. I've been a Tumi guy for a long time, but my parents recently purchased a couple of hard sided Away bags and they are very pleased with them. They have taken them on multiple foreign trips and have great things to say about how easy they are to travel with. Checks all the boxes you mentioned.
  5. I don't disagree. What should happen and what will happen are two completely different things because We're Texas.
  6. My grandfather and I built a pinewood derby car that looked a lot like that except we painted it yellow. That was probably in 1987.
  7. UT Austin does not need to double enrollment. The UT System and the State of Texas need to heavily invest in schools like UT Dallas, UTSA, etc. Look no further than California to see a public school system with multiple top tier public universities. It's a crime that Texas doesn't have the same.
  8. I've seen this sentiment posted a couple of times and I identified this way in my early voting years, but I struggled with it in a practical sense. Yes, I want people to be left the fuck alone in the sense of being able to live their life without the government meddling in their bedroom, what they can read, politicians not being religious ideologues. At the same time, I think we have an obligation as a society to protect the disenfranchised, provide high quality public education, create social safety nets, etc. It sounds like you acknowledge some of what I'm saying when you said you err on the side of kindness. As far as being fiscally conservative, if we would fix our broken tax code that benefits the ultrawealthy and corporations, I think most would be happier about paying their fair share.
  9. Well, one is old and has a stutter and the other is old and tried to overturn an election. Samesies.
  10. Funny, I didn't see an apology, but whatever. I don't give a shit. If I let the internet get me riled up, my cardiologist would be a much busier man.
  11. Dude, I'm not the one who went down that path. I suggest you go reread this thread. Forgive me for engaging in a discussion that was started way earlier in the thread. Life is too short to be ornery on a Monday morning.
  12. That's awesome. I think getting rid of the ads was a great decision. I said nothing about about my feelings or the traffic in DT or CR. I haven't noticed a lack of engagement on those boards. I'm not sure why you chose to respond to my post in particular when the same sentiment has been expressed in this thread. You tend to get really defensive about the most trivial things.
  13. So it's not on Jerry, who is the GM, and is responsible for hiring and signing decisions?
  14. And I would disagree. I don't see attempts at honest discourse. What I've seen is single issue voters, typically guns, asked to defend their stance vis a vis the greater good of society. The typical response boils down to "fuck your feelings" and I don't consider that honest discourse. It's all team sports now. Just like you avoid the CR, I typically only lurk the Football board because if you go against the group think there you get shot down.
  15. This is becoming the most tired and unoriginal meme on the board.
  16. It's bizarre. It goes weeks or months with zero activity and then maybe there will be a truck or two on the lot for a day working on it. It feels like they work on it when they have money. I can't imagine what the property taxes are on it that they've been paying for years now with no revenue.
  17. @KCMasterpieceof appears to be a new iteration.
  18. Do you have kids yourself? The reason I ask is that my wife and I don't have kids and we experience this in some cases with friends that have kids. We've always just figured that people with kids start socializing with the parents of their kids friends. In other cases, we have friends that want to get away from their kids for a night and hang with us so they can have normal adult time. It's a bit of a mixed bag in our experience.
  19. One of the best parts of the block we live on is that it's very close knit and most of the neighbors all know each other and socialize. During COVID, my wife and I started hanging out in our driveway in the evening on Coleman camp chairs with a cocktail or glass of wine. This started a trend where other neighbors joined us for socially distanced drinks every weekend. Some nights we would have up to 20 adults plus some kids and dogs joining us. We haven't done it in over a year and we've had three new families move in recently so we're going to throw a formal block party this fall for everyone to get together again as a group and to include the new neighbors.
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