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Everything posted by royiv

  1. You and I have different ideas of fun. Badgering people sounds miserable to me.
  2. Another smarmy douche defense attorney. All of these guys are so punchable. You don't have a good defense when you're entire case revolves around letterhead. It's feigned outrage.
  3. Being a smarmy douche is a requirement for being on Paxton's defense team.
  4. I don't think anyone is trying to be a douche here. There are laws that protect patient privacy and, whether or not you agree with them, there are procedures that have to be followed per the law. While it appears that this particular case was tragic, but I don't see how the law was violated.
  5. One of my favorite features of the GQP is their complete lack of shame in their hypocrisy.
  6. Mexico becoming more progressive than the US is something I didn't think I would live to see.
  7. Bangert was a good witness to end the day on if any of the senators were still listening and/or sober.
  8. HIPAA violations are no joke. The feds don’t take privacy violations lightly. Blame the law, not the hospital administrators.
  9. Billing isn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. That’s a jump you made. The hospital says it’s about avoiding medical records confusion. That’s a patient safety issue not a billing issue.
  10. I’m so glad we have an AG finally standing up to the oppression of businesses in Texas by going after big charity.
  11. Agreed. I’m disappointed that we won’t get to watch him go up against Buzbee.
  12. Hardin doing a quick and concise redirect. Where was this guy this morning?
  13. Patrick is in way over his head and shouldn’t be the one behind home plate. He can’t keep Buzbee between the lines.
  14. Buzbee is such a smug asshole, but he's destroying Mateer.
  15. Between Rusty looking like he's lost a step, oompa loompa Buzbee objecting to every question and Dan Patrick having to be advised by someone on every objection, I don't think the prosecution is going to get through more than one witness at this pace.
  16. Your Houston geography isn't great since Oak Forest is outside the loop.
  17. I know you like to put yourself out as a gun enthusiast that is for sensible gun laws, but until the gun lobby is in your corner, I have a hard time giving a fuck about your gun accessories.
  18. Maybe, but the gun nuts won't negotiate so fuck 'em.
  19. IDGAF about your hearing.
  20. IDGAF about your hearing.
  21. Don't leave out the ten commandments.
  22. Point me to the gun control plank in the Republican platform. I can't seem to find it.
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