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Everything posted by royiv

  1. That’s skirting the question. An adult pedestrian is very different than a child that is smaller, shiftier and harder to predict than an adult. You move the goal posts a lot in your quest to stan for Tesla.
  2. How many kids have run out in front of your Tesla while you’ve been beta testing FSD?
  3. Dude, be careful around the guys with a bag of Pings on the back of their bike.
  4. My wife says that we are our dog’s poop butler.
  5. Per the headline, “Arizona small town.” Gilbert is one of the fastest growing cities in America and has a population of 300,000. Hardly a quaint small town.
  6. You said that the driver was pressing the accelerator and then you got pantsed. Dude, take the L.
  7. Read about that place on Culturemap earlier this week. Check it out and report back in new Houston restaurants thread.
  8. I know what I’m doing this evening.
  9. Comparing Torchy’s or Velvet to taqueria tacos is apples and oranges to me. Sure, both are tortillas wrapped around a filling just like apples and oranges are both fruits. The comparison ends there. They are completely different products and it’s not some sort of crime against humanity to like both.
  10. She is completely intellectually bankrupt. There isn’t an iota of nuance or critical thought rolling around in her brain mush. Everything to her is binary.
  11. When Dan Crenshaw is the voice of reason and sanity…
  12. It really is amazing how lacking in self awareness people who come from generational wealth are. I consider myself a lucky SOB to have been born into a situation where I never had to worry about money growing up and, for that reason, I want others to be able raise their families in the same way.
  13. I have a Shar Pei mix (my avatar) and I love that dude so much despite his terrible snoring, allergies, skin problems… he just wants to be in someone’s lap and near humans at all times.
  14. Anyone know how much Tesla has spent on developing the Cybertruck? Given the lengthy delays it has to be a ton. I’m guessing the next few quarterly earning reports and investor calls are going to be ugly given the flagging sales of their (stale) core lineup and the shit reception of the truck.
  15. For someone that has been afforded every single possible privilege in this country, he’s the got the biggest persecution complex and hates the systems that have afforded him the aforementioned privilege.
  16. I thought the same thing, but it galls me to no end how un-Christian mainstream Christianity has become.
  17. Don’t forget hating immigrants and non-whites.
  18. I bet that’s a drop in the bucket compared to what DPS spends protecting Abbott and flying his ass around the state for his PR stunts to get on Fox News and Newsmax.
  19. No apology necessary for all the posts. I, for one, find it interesting and sad at the same time to see real life stories play out in realtime as a reminder that this shit is real and it’s dangerous. I hear you on life long friends. I have five friends (was 6, but we tragically lost one to suicide) that I will protect to the end and have known each other for 30+ years. Others come and go, but those relationships persevere.
  20. That sucks. I feel for you. Losing a close friendship is never easy, but sometimes there are reasons it’s untenable and this seems like one of those times.
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