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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Never set foot on a cruise ship, but I seriously doubt a Carnival cruise ship sailing from Miami is attracting a different crowd than Galveston. It's all lowest common denominator at a certain price point I would imagine.
  2. To be fair, Texas hasn't been an automatic loss for any Big 12 team in a dozen years.
  3. Bullshit. You said if someone is making $15/hr that they don't deserve a tip so clearly care how much they make or you wouldn't have said that.
  4. I definitely should have and probably would have had the in-laws not been there. They would have thought I was causing some sort of unforgivable scene.
  5. Wish I could say the same. Took my out of state in-laws there a couple of months ago and it was truly awful. The brisket was dry and damn near inedible. Didn't even bother to wrap up the leftovers to bring home. I was embarrassed for taking my in-laws there for what was supposed to be a fun Texas BBQ experience for them.
  6. You're acting like all restaurant owners are sticklers for the law.
  7. You're living in a cardboard box if you make $15/hr in Seattle.
  8. You just had to have the Awesome Blossom, didn't you?
  9. This is horrible advice. Making a claim on your own insurance should be your last resort unless you enjoy higher premiums. And get better insurance. Progressive DGAF.
  10. Funny since you both helped get us here in the first place.
  11. Mickey Mouse is sitting in the CEO chair of the conference.
  12. Thank you for your sacrifice. We got a full 60 second downpour in my neighborhood. I remarked to my wife that we saved the grid.
  13. That the largest shareholder actively supports fascism and promotes hate speech.
  14. Are you guys really this dense to not see the difference between a server making $2/hr and someone making a wage? Or do you just enjoy being an asshole to people trying to pay their bills.
  15. Well, for one he can't do math. He admitted he misjudged, but still ordered two appetizers and two entrees. He could have left off the apps and tipped the server.
  16. No, he paid the pimp. The hooker didn't get shit.
  17. I'm not an energy wonk, but I'm not seeing any discussion here of how storage will impact demand on o&g in the future. I've always thought that there is going to be a lot of technological advancement in storage technology over the next 50 years that will make renewables even more attractive/efficient. Also, isn't there some impact on oil demand as people drop ICE and move to EV? Doesn't gasoline demand go down? That has an impact as the demand shifts from gasoline to other uses of oil, or am I missing something?
  18. I will owe you the drink of your choice if this is true.
  19. It's like we have no way of forecasting these things and being prepared.
  20. You keep conflating sit down restaurants with other services.
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