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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Good for you. Why not just stiff them since someone else's tip will make up for it? Yeah, fuck those servers that have bills to pay.
  2. You have a fucked up perspective. Someone who goes out to eat at a sit down restaurant should expect to tip for a service received. In the case of example cited, the guy went out to eat, had no problem with the service and stiffed the server because he's a broke-ass asshole who couldn't add up menu prices in his head. Please explain to me how that's the server's fault. It doesn't matter what the other customers tipped. That's irrelevant. It's not my job to subsidize broke-ass assholes because I choose to be a generous tipper. Your pizza example is also dumb. You didn't plan ahead and got hit with a service fee because it was the only option available to you. You paid it instead of going without. Law of supply and demand.
  3. Some people shouldn't dine out. I would love to see the responses to that one.
  4. It would be amazing if Hilary would drop a rain bomb on the Colorado River and help fill Lake Mead.
  5. Talking about something that is pie in the sky never going to happen is pointless. It's a squirrel distracting a dog from actually fixing the fuck-up that is ERCOT.
  6. Underground transmission line talk not going away.
  7. Does your brother live in the White House? That's a lot of power. I live in a 3500sf house and have a 26kw Kohler that easily powers my entire home.
  8. This. Slow drenching rains would be a godsend for Southern CA and AZ. People would be dancing in the streets.
  9. Whoa, now. Don't get ahead of yourself. That stuff is interwoven into the fabric of Baylor athletics.
  10. Might want to check the numbers on TCU's endowment versus SMU's and the growth of each over the last decade. It tells a different story.
  11. Please explain. Walnut Grove is, in fact, a new HS in Prosper. Propser ISD is on the recipient end of recapture funds to the tune of about $80 million per year. Prosper ISD has also decreased its tax rate for three years running. I get that it's not a 1:1 transfer from Austin to Prosper, but Austin is floating bonds to pay for basic upkeep and Prosper is building a new school with a food court, indoor practice facilities and state of the art gym. https://www.prosper-isd.net/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=3948&ModuleInstanceID=61480&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=72985&PageID=25427
  12. Too bad they don't teach them science. You might be able to audit the class and learn a thing or two.
  13. It's criminal that AISD has to use bond money to upgrade critical systems like HVAC while they send $800 million -more than half of what AISD taxpayers pay each year- annually to the state so that small districts can afford to build football palaces.
  14. He does not. The guy has proven time and again to be a simpleton with zero critical thinking skills.
  15. Extremely illegal? Going 150 and taking the lives of a human and a dog only netted a 3 year sentence here. Not really extreme in my book.
  16. The tree company who agreed to take that job should never work again in Texas. Surly detectives need to figure this one out.
  17. And here I was thinking you were the rare rational BYU fan. I figured you were embarrassed by your compatriot's continuous bad takes and drunken posting.
  18. Okay, but you said “someone who blows a .04 ain’t a danger to society.” That’s a statement in the absolute when you’re not acknowledging that someone could be a danger to society at .04. It just seems to be a little hypocritical to call out the guy who said anything over .00 should automatically be a crime, which I do agree with you on, and state in the absolute that there’s no way someone who blows a .04 is a danger to society. Back to the case at hand, it completely blows my mind that a guy who took a life and very negatively impacted the lives of many that were close to the victim can walk out of prison in 3 years. I would be livid if I were the family.
  19. What should the punishment be for someone that's either dead sober or had a beer at Hooter's that kills an innocent person and their dog due to them driving their high powered sports car at >150 mph on a city street? Seems like someone that blows a .04 could be a danger to society.
  20. I tried telling posters on here and in the Big XII leftovers thread how insufferable BYU fans are. This guy is the embodiment of the typical BYU fan that has an inflated sense of their place in the college sports landscape. Utah has spent the last two bowl seasons in Pasadena while BYU has had the opportunity to holiday in Shreveport and Albuquerque.
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