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Everything posted by royiv

  1. @gsoda3 I respect your religious beliefs and your right to worship in the way that you want just as much as I respect those of my Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and on and on brothers and sisters. In a country where the separation of church of state is enshrined in the first amendment of our constitution, why are your religious beliefs as a Christian more important than other religions? I don’t personally share your same belief about when life begins and neither does my wife. Why should you get to impose your religious beliefs upon us?
  2. How the fuck does she square that? There are some serious mental gymnastics going on in her head.
  3. Does your wife also support Abbott?
  4. And the interview started late because Trump and his handlers were didn’t want him to be fact checked. They wanted him to be able to spew lies without consequences.
  5. But Sack is so generous with the generational wealth that he did nothing to earn. Haven’t you heard about everything he does for the downtrodden?
  6. Unfortunately, yes. I personally had turn away multiple people from voting at the poll I worked at on Tuesday because the voter was not made aware that they had been dropped from the rolls.
  7. To be fair, I hope Trump does follow through on his promise to decrease gas prices. It will be hilarious to watch the country go from energy independence to flooding the market with foreign oil and the ensuing cratering of the American oil industry.
  8. Because conservatives have stigmatized mental health. You obviously know this, but I’m just pointing it out because it’s so obvious by Sack’s own condescension about mental health. It’s the false bravado and machismo that has pervaded people of his ilk to make acknowledging, discussing and promoting mental health as some sort of woke agenda instead of the science that it is. In his world, I guess we should just shut down all medical training in the field of psychiatry and end all scientific research in the field of mental health.
  9. People tend to conflate designer and decorator, just as you did above. They are two separate and very different professions. Designers are licensed professionals who have technical education in building codes and passed a state licensing exam. Many of these folks have also passed a three part exam, similar to a board certification exam, to be certified by the Council For Interior Design Qualification and use the NCIDQ designation professionally. On the other hand, anyone can be a decorator. It is not a regulated profession and any person can hold themselves out as decorator. Source: spouse is a NCIDQ certified interior designer licensed by the State of Texas.
  10. I applaud your conviction, but I’m exhausted at this point. I’m going to take some time off from giving a shit and see where this ride takes us. If things get bad for a whole bunch of people, so be it, that’s what a majority of our countrymen and women voted for.
  11. I’m with you, but I wasn’t always that way. Until 2012, I regularly voted both parties, leaning pretty heavily R. I would love to be able to make choices that were nuanced and not binary because one side unilaterally supports positions that I find morally reprehensible.
  12. Got it. Thanks for adding some detail. I would agree with you that emphasis on wealth accumulation and adulation of oligarchs is a big problem in this country. Both political parties have either enacted policies to accelerate this issue or haven’t enacted policies to address it. I don’t know how we get both sides to come together to address it, especially given who we just elected as President, but I’m all ears on suggestions. Until this issue is effectively addressed, the middle class is going to get squeezed and crapped on and we’re going to fall deeper and deeper into the populist nationalist hole and it’s going to be hard to dig out.
  13. If you come with well thought out positions and, if needed, sources that aren’t one-sided propaganda, yes. Start bringing in obvious sources of mis and disinformation and you’ll be shouted down pretty quickly.
  14. Please define what corporate oligarchy means to you. Are you referencing large banks, tech companies, etc? Do you include the actual individual oligarchs that exist in our present day society?
  15. Map is not accurate.
  16. He would lose half or more of the traffic on this board if he didn’t tolerate the misogyny.
  17. And, ignoring everything else, makes him attractive to you to be leader of the free world? You’re making him out to be a cuck who won’t do anything productive because he’s sitting in the corner watching some junior Secret Service agent giving Melanie, Melania or both the rogering that Donold can’t manage.
  18. @immamacnew booze sponsors for your tailgates?
  19. Man, I really wanted to come on this thread and make a post about how much I loved working my voting location today. I woke up at 4a and then worked until nearly 9p with only a 15 minute break. I interacted with so many first time voters and people that were truly invigorated to exercise their civic duty. We made a huge deal about first time voters, who ranged from the young females to the middle aged guy who whispered to me that he was embarrassed to tell me that he was about to vote for the first time. I even got a local celebrity athlete through my line and played it cool. I still loved doing it, but after four elections this year, I need a break. Fortunately, I guess, we might not have federal elections four years from now.
  20. This country is deeply misogynistic. Look no further than the football board to see how many mouth breathers roam free in polite society.
  21. Thank you for your service. That’s not cliché or meant facetiously tonight. I truly hope everything you served for will persevere into the future for many generations.
  22. @McCroskey says it’s not a big deal. A few people vote against their self interest and those that catch a couple strays are just collateral damage.
  23. Dude, I get that this is the internet, but take a second and take stock of your life that you’re arguing with someone that has cancer and has a legit worry about medical bankruptcy if their coverage were to be interrupted. Get a grip, dude.
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