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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Bexar does not have a wait time tracker. FWIW, they’re not super accurate in the counties that do have them. If you’re looking for short wait times, here are the ten slowest voting centers through yesterday’s totals: Texas A&M University: 331 St Hedwig City Hall: 336 Southside ISD Administration Building: 340 Somerset City Hall: 376 East Central ISD Admin: 386 Palo Alto College: 420 Macedonia Baptist Church: 457 Copernicus Community Center: 472 Our Lady of the Lake University: 478 Frank Garrett Multi Service Center: 509
  2. Do you have any concerns about Trump’s cognitive abilities similar to what democrats expressed after the June debate?
  3. Don’t tariff my French wines! Texas wines are shit!
  4. Since you’re retired, why don’t you spend some of your free time volunteering for Mobile Loaves and Fishes and go help the ones that would love a helping hand? Or is it just easier to polish your guns from your motorized recliner while you bitch about people who served our country?
  5. Yeah, that fucking sucks big dick. And it has zero to do with DEI. That has to do with the state of Texas not investing in higher education. I share your anger on this particular topic and it’s misplaced.
  6. It’s called policy. I know it’s difficult for you to understand when you’re accustomed to hearing rambling word salad from a guy crapping his pants while he speaks.
  7. That’s not at all what’s being proposed, but keep it up with your lazy hyperbole. While you’re at it, throw in another jab at the “trash” as you so like to refer to fellow human beings, the majority of whom suffer from mental illness and a large share of are veterans that served our country.
  8. Check to see who hasn’t posted in the gun nut thread lately.
  9. Doesn’t look like it. At least I got my badge of honor.
  10. @Horn75 your seat is getting awfully warm. There’s a spot in purgatory waiting for you. May I have a neg before you go?
  11. Quoting from the Excited to Vote R thread as I don’t want to make the attempt to not sully that thread. This statement got me thinking. We know a big chunk of this board is full of silent and so not so silent board. We also know, due to the tenure of many posters around here, that we have a lot of folks either on Medicare and Social Security or quickly approaching that age. It got me wondering how many of those folks will enthusiastically pull the lever for Trump after everything he and Vance have said about making cuts to entitlements. That’s a group of voters that is high turnout typically and they will gladly vote against their interests and their economic and physical wellbeing. Blows my mind.
  12. Fuck yeah. I’ve had that same thought in the past.
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