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  1. Stop, I can only get so erect.
  2. And that was an absolutely pitch perfect classy response. I already knew he was a great player, but I couldn't be any prouder to have a guy like him representing our school.
  3. Check the newspaper classifieds for the next foreclosure auction down at the courthouse.
  4. I realize I am an old, but I had no clue who these people even were. I thought they were just some aggy randos that Gameday pulled out of the audience or something.
  5. Wisner got that dawg in him. Just goes to show you that half the time, the recruiting services don't know shit. He may not have the physical gifts of Baxter or Blue, but his motor never stopped, and he got tons of yards after contact. I'll take a guy like that any time. Just wish we could get the RB room healthier so we don't risk overusing him.
  6. Taaffe is good people. Love him for standing up for Jake. I hope he goes on to have a great career in the NFL when the time comes.
  7. Moving the goalposts again, I see. Going from "The Ess-Eee-See is gonna roll you stupid sips in 2024!" now to this... Oh aggy, never change.
  8. I legit thought they photoshopped our guy in there. He has brass juevos sitting in the middle of that, much respect.
  9. Quinn and special teams were uglier than a $2 whore, but our D is incredible. Let's get it in Atlanta next week!
  10. Ewers ain't it. Wish we had seen more of Arch this game.
  11. We're gonna herp and derp our way straight to an L if we keep this up.
  12. Wisner putting the entire O on his back. Mad respect. 🤘
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