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Everything posted by orangebird

  1. Bold strategy, Cotton, let's see how it plays out.
  2. Meat-judging.
  3. Considering that player at Maryland died on his watch, I'm hoping it's far away from football...maybe managing a Cinnabon in Omaha or something.
  4. Duke football was historically "Rice in the Southwest Conference" level of terribad, so 8-5 would have been considered an excellent season for them for many years. I think Cutcliffe got a pass after 2016 based on his results from 2013-15, but yeah, the wheels finally well and truly completely came off starting in 2019. I concur Elko did a good job with coaching up Cutcliffe's players to a 9-win season in 2022, although he mostly feasted on down teams during his tenure. He has a pretty thin resume as a head corch, though, so it remains to be seen whether he has what it takes to build a program - especially at one like aggy where they think they should post 10-win seasons every year, contrary to their actual history. Odds are likely he'll fall short and be shitcanned by 2027, but as they say down in Mexico...vamos a ver.
  5. Counterpoint: I would argue that David Cutcliffe laid a lot of the groundwork for Elko's success at Duke. Cutcliffe was admittedly awful during his last few years at Duke, although I don't know that Elko was there long enough to get his own recruits into the system at Duke. We just don't really have enough data to ascertain whether Elko could have sustained that success while at Duke. Given that a substantial portion of Duke's current talent is moving on after this season, it's likely that Elko decided to strike while the iron is hot. Does he have it in him to keep it going at aggy? Guess we're about to find out.
  6. He really was. I'll never forget being entertained by his commentary about bat poop in that shitbox stadium of theirs, and his constant use of "our friends in the State Capital" when referring to us. I mean, I probably lost IQ points every time I read his drivel, but in a way, I sort of miss it.
  7. My recollection was that they quietly put out feelers to Urban but were rebuffed. Can't help but think we dodged a bullet there, given his meltdown in Jacksonville.
  8. Least shocking news I've read all day. I live in NC, and having to sit through Panthers games every week is a beating. I really should subscribe to NFL Sunday Ticket, but I'm cheap.
  9. Yep. The way CDC handled the Herman termination and rollout of Sark was telling. It was obvious that we had professionals in charge, and CDC knew the assignment. He didn't tip his hand by terminating Herman and then broadcasting to the world that Texas had an opening. That alone allowed Texas to negotiate with some leverage. Sure, there were rumors that Herman was going to get fired, but that just comes with the territory at a school like Texas when the football program is underperforming. Nobody except those in the know knew that we already had Sark locked up when it came time to show Herman the door. Indeed, aggy had no plan - they just decided to shitcan Jimbo on a whim a few weeks ago and hoped it all worked out. That's a textbook case of magical thinking, and magical thinking almost never works out. Perhaps Elko will work out for them in the end, but I wouldn't take those odds. They're probably about the same as me winning the lottery and getting to sleep with Kate Upton.
  10. Perhaps. I concur that we underestimate him at our own peril. That said, it's notable that he couldn't really beat anybody with a pulse while at Duke.
  11. They could just keep Bjork as athletic director "in name only". His only responsibility going forward is to get the BOR members coffee and shine their shoes. The BOR will have direct control over the athletic department without the pretense of a middleman. Sure, it's a terrible idea, but as we've seen this weekend, there is no shortage of terrible ideas emanating from Collie Station.
  12. 10 years ago when we hired Chuck F'n Strong, this hire might have scared me. A little. Only because I see Elko at about the same level as Strong, so a hypothetical UT-aggy would probably be a tossup. But the way Sark has things rolling now? Naaaah.
  13. Yeah, I was going to say...how do you get waitlisted to Oklahoma State? Don't they pretty much take anybody who can fog a mirror?
  14. Likely this plane, for those of you who want to follow along at home: https://www.flightradar24.com/GLF4/32fb61b6 It's not trackable via FlightAware, likely some aggy big cigar's private Gulfstream.
  15. UCF actually has ex-Auburn corch Gus Malzahn as their head corch. Malzahn wasn't terrible at Auburn - his worst season there was 7-6. I could see him potentially doing well enough at UCF to position himself for the next high-profile SEC or ACC opening. Maybe Florida might kick the tires on him after they inevitably fire Billy Napier at some point.
  16. Get outta here. This just gets funnier and funnier. The hilarious part is that Vandy just extended Lea to 2029 last winter. So both Vandy is going to pay a guy to not corch so that they can hire another corch who is also being paid not to corch. Somebody get Mel Brooks on the phone, I wanna pitch a sequel to The Producers.
  17. Shit this weekend has been glorious. I'm almost sorry that the aggy corch search saga is drawing to a close...for now. Still, they never fail to entertain. I'll be keeping my eyes on what happens to Bjork next. Does the aggy BOR shitcan him? Or will they simply haze him like a frat boy pledge at the aggy BOR Christmas party? And if they do shitcan him, will the aggy AD search be as entertaining as this one was?
  18. Hey now, my mama taught me that it's not nice to make fun of the kids who ride the short bus.
  19. I can't even find a compelling reason that Elko is better than Jimbo, but here we are.
  20. Terry Bowden out at Louisiana-Monroe: https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38985538/terry-bowden-louisiana-monroe-football-coach I had forgotten that he was actually still coaching somewhere. He coached at Auburn back in the 90s.
  21. I know some of the Sooner fans were pretty unhappy with his playcalling, though the Sooners have been better on offense this season as compared to last season. Of course, they were terrible last season, so nowhere to go but up, really. My guess is that the Land Thieves will promote ex-North Texas coach Seth Littrell to be their new OC.
  22. 2010s era Texas football reminds me of some of the family conversations I've sat through at Thanksgiving: "We shouldn't really talk about that right now..."
  23. Can confirm, there are a shit ton of transplants from NY, NJ, PA, MA, and other states up that way here in RTP. I think the only people from Jersey in Collie Station are the ones who took a wrong turn when they exited the rental car lot at Intercontinental Airport.
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