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Everything posted by Spartan52

  1. Just saw that Goo Punch had already posted a link to that goal, I'm a Dick...Delete post, Ban User.
  2. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=riley+mcgree+soccer&&view=detail&mid=37E1A6A4EE3B108CDDA337E1A6A4EE3B108CDDA3&&FORM=VRDGAR This goal is a cracker, scored in the semi final of the A-League here in Australia, they will play against my team Melbourne Victory next Saturday night in the Final.
  3. Fucking Max, just let Dan blow past you, you Flog!
  4. Playing in a team stableford this weekend, in a comp called split 6's...reading the rules there should be some big scores I think.
  5. Why is this thread here and not in 'Other Sports' ?
  6. I'll be watching us (Socceroos) get raped by whoever we play and hoping Iceland produce a dream tournament!!
  7. All the time, also if I'm out walking my dog in a bit of bush I have no issue taking a piss, just have to move so he doesn't stick his head under the stream.
  8. In Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. I feel like I am proving something by sticking fat with this show this season, not sure if I will be back next season though, 'cos it was shitful. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Fuck Hamilton, Ricciardo is the man to follow, he will end up at Ferrari or Merc soo and kick ass even more
  11. Great win by Dan, the double pitstops by RBR were really well executed.
  12. Fuck I hope you're talking about Glucosamine....
  13. And you're not alone!
  14. Playing Indoor soccer and had a Tibial Plateau break, this is where the top of the Tibia/Fibula form the socket for the knee, I broke/cracked it all the way around, fortunately no displacement or there would have been surgery involved, the most painful injury I have ever had, I can't tell you how much it hurt. Totally non-weight bearing for 4 months, last time I played, I still miss having a game.
  15. Doesn't every male do that??
  16. The original Battlefield 1942 was WW2, this franchise is easily my favourite of FPS
  17. Changed my Avatar with the migration, its just a statement of fact for 99% of us I reckon.
  18. Best score - 73 but it was a Par 68 because of a couple of temporary greens...Only time I've ever broken 80.
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