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Rusty Shackelford

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Everything posted by Rusty Shackelford

  1. I wasn't trying to bust your balls, but damn are you really gonna call on the surly collective? I too am curious what the open interest is now. OI at close Friday was 108,593
  2. That's the only reason I'm afraid to short USO.
  3. Gaslighting on the oil barons thread seems appropriate I guess.
  4. Playing with negative worth chips? You're on.
  5. You buy for -$10: you are given $10 with the contract for delivery. You then sell to me for -$35: You give me $35 and the contract
  6. Does anyone have the (live) open interest in the May CL?
  7. Has this guy been trading oil futures for 20 years?
  8. I was told that your maximum loss on the long side was capped at -100% but on the short side it was infinite. I guess not.
  9. May contract skipped the $9's completely
  10. I don't think June will stay up there for long, the demand/storage/transportation situation will not improve in 1 month.
  11. What am I looking for in that twitter thread? Mnuchin is the new Bogandoff?
  12. Crisis update: S&P 500 market cap increasing roughly $2 per each dollar the Fed adds to the balance sheet. "Privatize the gains, Socialize the losses"
  13. I’m not moving shit. You’re the one who said they WILL NOT give 10 trillion to Wall St. It’s a process that has been on going since 2009 and WILL get to that number before they try and unwind. You are wrong and I’m done
  14. Sure there is arb, the Fed even acknowledges it here https://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/FEDS/2012/201221/ Nothing you have posted proves that the Feds actions are not pumping money into commercial banks (Wall St)
  15. TSLA up 106% from recent low on March 18th (+78% YTD)
  16. I never said the Fed benefits from repo operations arb, I said Wall St does (primary dealers). https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/primarydealers As far as the Fed's balance sheet, it will be over 10 Trill, and the lion's share of that will go to Wall St, not Main st. To my knowledge, all the assets that the Fed purchases are through primary dealers only. Not to mention TARP. I'm not saying it's the Fed's job to support Main St, I'm just stating who is and who isn't getting their money.
  17. So you don't count the arbitrage? That's not the only way of course, all the expanded "assets" that they are purchasing are to bail out Wall St, not Main St. Is it your contention that the expanding Feb balance sheet is going straight to Main St?
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