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Rusty Shackelford

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Everything posted by Rusty Shackelford

  1. I haven’t filed 2019 yet, but to my surprise I received from the stimulant dispensary today.
  2. The Fed is not close to running out of bullets yet. Printer will keep on going brrrrrrr x Trillions more. When they buy all the US and corporate debt they will move on to stonks
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/aeberman12/status/1248592902957273088
  4. Calabria: No nonbank is too big to fail https://www.housingwire.com/articles/calabria-no-nonbank-is-too-big-to-fail/ duly noted.
  5. because why the hell not? https://www.ebay.com/itm/CHINA-GOVERNMENT-1938-US-50-GOLD-BOND-LOAN-UNCANCELLED-WITH-COUPONS/372903167957?hash=item56d2c2c7d5:g:ADkAAOSwnd9eEmMW
  6. US stocks are priced in US dollars and therefore inflation makes stonks go up, not down brah.
  7. Puts are not stonks. Short dated, way OTM calls are living the stonk life.
  8. "You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket."
  9. Wait, are you suggesting we should not trust everything the WHO says?
  10. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/14049-i-think-i-may-have-covid-19-thread-2-confirmed-cases/page/13/&tab=comments#comment-2181620
  11. Sorry I was being a smartass. That was a response to my post earlier where I advocated for the USDA to buy and distribute milk and dairy rather than letting it being dumped in manure pits because schools and restaurants are not buying it.
  12. What vaccinations are available? The recent development of an FIV vaccine to help protect cats against contracting the virus is exciting, but as of yet the equivalent vaccine is not available for humans against HIV.
  13. The government is doing almost as much good as what FEMA & GLO did with the thousands of trailers that were purchased for those that lost their housing after Harvey, but I digress. https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/news/almost-fema-trailers-rvs-sit-unused-in-beeville-w-video/article_80e2bc5c-38e8-11e8-9b91-07c43f9ffa20.html
  14. If only raw milk could be made into other products Just in case you didn't read the story I posted here is what the industry is begging the USDA to do with the billions that got appropriated to them thru the CARES act:
  15. This may be ok when there is no demand, but seeing this right now makes my blood boil.
  16. Hi Mr USDA👋 I don't care what they do with it, but if they need it, I'd rather them have too much and let them throw away the waste. Dumping it during a time of food shortage is indefensible. PERIOD.
  17. Even if it's unpossible for the food service industry to package for retail, the government should step in and purchase the food service product and distribute to the poor.
  18. In response to Jim Cramer’s genius suggestion to Kudlow:
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