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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. You sweet gullible fools. You actually think you'll be allowed to leave. How quaint. Nevermind the whole business of who the fuck is actually going to want to take in Americans. Do you know advanced nuclear physics? Maybe rocket science? No? Good luck.
  2. I've been building my own computers for the past 20 years or there about. Dell's premade computers were always a scam, IMHO. But their monitors were legit. Had one that lasted me a decade plus. Yeah, that's not a thing anymore. I don't know how they're still in business unless it's like an AOL deal where people stuck in the past continue to get raked over the coals by them. To explain how shitty Dell is, on their computers they actually fab their own shit-tier parts and stick them in the computer. So when (not if) that part inevitably goes bad you can't just swap it out and have the computer continue to work. You'd have to go back to Dell to get them to work on it. This guy got to be a billionaire not by being brilliant but the same way almost every other billionaire got there. By being a cunt and fucking people over.
  3. Somehow I don't think Musk is going to find any fraud, problems, nada with all the government cheese SpaceX and Tesla get. We're replacing our normal, somewhat inefficient and corrupt government with a fascist, oligarch piggy bank, hyper inefficient and outright total corrupt government. Any federal workers that get fired will be replaced with Trump loyalists. Any "fraud" (see: legitimately good government spending that doesn't go to billionaires) that is found and disposed of will be more than replaced by Trump and Elon throwing the money spigot wide open for themselves and their billionaire cronies. With no oversight, with no Consumer Protection Bureau, with no IRS/SEC/FBI/CIA looking over their shoulders, etc. Gonna be a wild fucking ride. Best buckle up, buckaroos.
  4. He certainly ain't with that shit show of an offensive line. Kinda think him and the Chiefs are headed for their "we're good, but not SB good" run like Brady and the Patriots had there for awhile. Without the extra push by the refs all those close games are going to start swinging the other way. Kelce is old, about done, and more concerned with pop star pussy and his outfits than football. Reid and Spags gotta be close to hanging it up, too. And then there's the whole shit show with the psychotic Hunt family trying to strong arm the city and whatnot. Think they've passed the Aggy October peak and are staring off the cliff now.
  5. Could have FB Dive'd it 4 times and even if you don't get it the Buckeyes are at their own 1 yard line. Potential safety or you're getting the ball back with plenty of time on their side of the field. But nah, we'd rather run some long developing outside runs against an elite defense. Don't know where the idea Sark is some genius playcaller ever came from.
  6. Eh. For as terrible as Sark's play calling, the O-line, and Ewers has been all season, reaching the semifinals was a win. Shame this baller as fuck defense had to be wasted, though. Really excited about next season without the Ewers millstone hanging around our neck and Arch leading the squad. Someone force Sark to hire an O-coordinator, though.
  7. Well, the real Quinn Ewers showed up. See ya, kid. Best of luck to whatever team is silly enough to pay you more NIL money.
  8. If Quinn takes over in the 4th and wins us this game I'll take back everything bad I ever said about him. Hell, I'll donate to build his statue on the 40.
  9. Sark absolutely needs someone to call plays for him. Because he's ass at it. Dude wasn't good at it in the NFL and he ain't good at it here.
  10. Sark needs to rip these long developing inside runs out of his playbook and torch them. Holy fuck they're bad.
  11. He's well short. That spot was hilarious bad.
  12. So, predictably, we were right all year long. Ewers is going to cost us in the playoffs. Spin Arch up or just accept we're getting our shit pushed in in the 2nd half. This offense isn't good enough to overcome the poor QB play. And the defense will eventually get tired just like they did with ASU.
  13. Anything is possible, I suppose. Dude is small and slow. Doesn't have much wiggle to his game either like a bunch of good big backs do a la Jerome Bettis. If he does see the field, you're right, he doesn't have a long shelf life.
  14. He's a sixth or seventh round draft pick that will struggle to get off the practice squad. That whole "hard to get down" shit will evaporate once he's staring down NFL caliber defenses.
  15. Eh, he's really starting to show some glaring issues which shouldn't be a problem for a coach of his supposed caliber. Quinn has been off basically all year. Sark has done fuck all to deal with that. The O-line has had major problems all year. Sark has done fuck all to deal with that. Bert clearly was ass last year and he's even worse this year. Sark has done fuck all to deal with that. These are season long problems that haven't been addressed whatsoever. Throw in some legit pants on head retarded play calling in just about every game, too. You can't just hand wave this shit off and say, "But two CFP appearances in a row, bro!" Obviously any talk of replacing him is asinine, but he needs to be encouraged to get some help. If you don't have the time/energy/whatever to solve problems with the team, find someone who does. I think we have enough money for that.
  16. This is Sark, Quinn, Bert, and our O-line. They don't know how to do anything else except fuck around.
  17. GAME. BLOUSES. We absolutely did not deserve that game. But hey, fuck 'em!
  18. Offense plays like complete ass all game until OT. Make it make sense.
  19. Kind of funny the problems we've had all year that we've been bitching about are exactly what has fucked us today. Bert being mega ass. Quinn being mega ass. O-line playing like pussies. Sark being a dumb fuck. Wasted the #1 defense in the nation on these idiots.
  20. Knew it. Dude couldn't hit water if he fell into the ocean.
  21. Can't wait for Sideshow to miss a second FG here in a bit.
  22. I get why Sark didn't make it in the NFL. Dude is so stupid even the NFL couldn't excuse having him around.
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