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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. Props to Blank.  Didn't even give that chinless wonder until business hours on Monday.  

    Falcons actually have a chance now.  Imagine having three Top 8 picks the past three years, spending them all on skill position players, and then averaging 17 points a game.  And then imagine pushing all your chips in on a 3rd round pick, hardly playing him in the preseason, and then never even getting him a QB coach.  Fucking galaxy brain shit.


    • Rage+1 1
  2. Blank needs to be packing up Smith's shit right this moment and shipping via UPS back to wherever the fuck that idiot came from.  

    Eric Bieniemy and whichever QB falls to the Falcons at 8/9 in the Draft, Daniels or Penix.  Try and find an edge rusher somewhere.  They can make some noise next year.

    Just keep this chinless fucking loser away from Bijan.  Our boy deserves much better.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  3. Just now, ztejas said:

    Ridder wasn't even good in college that an NFL franchise wanted to hitch their wagon to him with no backup plan is insane.

    Falcons under Smith had 3 years to go get a QB.  Top 8 draft picks every year.  They went TE, WR, RB.  Didn't try to get anyone in FA other than putting out feelers for the Massage Rapist.  Which in turn pissed off Matt Ryan and made him leave a year early.  

    Just a clown show from top to bottom.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    Arthur Smith might actually be dumber than he looks, which is an accomplishment in its own right. 


    He has to be fired after this.

    Easiest SOS in the league and the Falcons end the season going like 1-4.  Mostly against awful teams.  

    This dude really looked at Desmond Ridder and said, "Yep.  That's the guy I wanna stake my career on."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Wait nevermind they're still a total clownshow. Just let Drake London and Cordarrelle Patterson get completely stuffed at the goal line on three straight plays. 

    I'm not sure if their GM or their coach is a bigger dipshit.

    On the 1 yard line.  So instead of just running with Bijan and getting an easy TD, Art Smith runs some stupid gadget plays that go nowhere.  Then his horrid QB misses a wide open Bijan on 4th down and it almost get picked.  Just Falcons things.

  6. 1 minute ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Looked like a pretty good throw to me

    Considering how awful most of Ridder's passes are and that Bijan usually has to make a 1-handed leaping grab to get them, that pass was perfection.

    • Haha 6
  7. Anthony Mackie.

    Dude is the true answer to "makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X."  He's like Hollywood decided they needed a blandly handsome, inoffensive, and completely uninteresting black dude that wouldn't scare white audiences away from their silly comic movies.  He's what you'd get if you asked an AI to design a market tested actor.  He's as compelling as soggy cereal.

    Of course that can be said for a lot of the "hey, these people look good in spandex costumes, you aren't watching this movie for the dialogue" actors Marvel trots out there.  Except Mackie keeps getting roles in other shit he absolutely doesn't deserve.  Evangeline Lilly sucks but she doesn't get work outside of Ant-Man shit (except for her awful role that she was also awful in with the Hobbit movies, bleh). 

    I don't know that the second season of Altered Carbon was ever going to live up to the first season, but as soon as they cast Mackie as the lead they completely torpedoed that show.    

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. On 11/10/2022 at 4:30 PM, Nivek said:

    Sorry to bother you.



    Was going to suggest this.

    Everyone shits on the last third of Sunshine saying it's goofy that Pinbacker becoming a slasher villain ruins the movie.  Except, Pinbacker's madness is at the core of what the entire film is about.  

    The protagonists are on a quest to restart the Sun.  They are achieving this through human brilliance, courage, and ingenuity.  Except along the way they give in to human fallibilities, the most egregious being mysticism/despair.  

    The one guy who never gives up and always keeps his mind on the goal is Capa.  He represents humans overcoming our problems through smarts, science, and caring for each other.  Pinbacker represents fanaticism and religion and all the silly nonsense that has held humanity back.  He rambles on about being the last man left alone with God.  How it's God's will for the human race to die.  And of course, the first god was always the Sun.  And of course, what do religious extremists always resort to?  Violence.  Pinbacker, who used to be a man of science himself, has given in to mysticism and despair.  He shows up all blurry and warped because it's the outward manifestation of his madness.  It's almost like he has been infected by the Sun (i.e. God).  

    Anyway, I love that film.  Just think it's quite misunderstood.  

  9. Bijan currently has 1332 yards from scrimmage rushing/receiving.  He sat out a game.  Still has a game to play. He'd have over 2k yards from scrimmage if he played in a competent offense.  He's done as well as he had being completely misused and running into stacked boxes every play because of course no one is afraid of the Falcon QBs.



    • Rage+1 3
  10. Questionable officiating, but that's been the case for us all fucking year so it's to be expected.

    End of the day, we crush Meatchicken or Bama.  This Husky squad was our toughest matchup.  We just ran into a (should be if not for the injury concerns) 1st QB off the board in the Draft with top tier receivers.  As bad as our secondary is, they were stride for stride on a lot of those passes and Penix just dropped it in with pinpoint accuracy.  You can't defend that shit.  

    I'd be upset if we rolled over and got blown out.  As it was, kept it close and had a chance to win at the end.  The talent is just rolling in to Austin at this point so I imagine we'll be pretty well set for the future.  Sucks to lose, but I think we'll be making noise in the CFP for years to come.


    • Hook 'Em 6
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  11. How in the world did we ever let the Dirt Burglars get CeeDee?  Every time I watch that guy play it's obvious he's on a completely different level from everyone else on the field.  227 yards tonight.  Unreal.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    They also take Pitts over Chase and London over Wilson/Olave not only are they drafting dumb they can't identify talent. To be fair Zach Wilson is still in the league so Riddler isn't the worst

    Yeah, I think Pitts and London are fine players and would look better with a better QB/play caller, but the Falcons passed up on those guys you mentioned and other all-world talents like Parsons, etc.  Just inexcusable if you're going to spend every game having your TE2 throw to your TE3 while your #4 overall pick blocks.  They could have had Jalen Carter this year instead of Bijan.  And for a team that can't pressure/sack the QB that would have been a pretty good pickup.  

    Ridder is 8 points higher in QBR than Wilson.  He has a much better O-line.  He's got Bijan.  He's got two top 10 picks to throw the ball to.   He's thrown 3 more picks than Wilson and fumbled one more time.  And not that turning the ball over is ever something you want, but Ridder does it in the redzone more than anyone else.  There are about four games this season the Falcons lost that they should have won that directly are on Ridder being an idiot with the football.

  13. On 12/18/2023 at 4:37 PM, Covri said:


    The perplexing thing about the pick is the Falcons found gold in Tyler Allgeier in the 5th round last year and he rushed for over a thousand yards. And they have Cordarrell Paterson too who has been pretty good for the Falcons as well. Even with all 3 they barely see the field at the same time so it’s not like Smith is using them in some kid of multi headed innovative rushing attack with them on the field together. And when he did use Bijan and CP together yesterday he used Bijan as the blocker lol.

    Nothing the Falcons have done since Art Smith took over has made sense, honestly.

    They had an old Matt Ryan and needed to get a QB of the future.  They instead picked a TE #4 overall.  The only way you make that pick is if you have a crystal ball that can show you the future and ensure the kid is the next Gronk/Kelce.  Then they draft a WR #8 overall.  They stupidly make a noise like they want to give Deshaun the Rapist a huge contract.  This pisses Ryan off so he bails and you end up starting a garbage/end of his career Mariota.  Dude doesn't even last the season and you have to start the 3rd round kid.  Then, this year when you have no franchise QB and no edge rusher to speak of (the two most important positions on the field), you draft Bijan.  When you already have two solid RBs on the roster.  You then decide to push all your chips in on Ridder who has never looked anything other than ass.  You don't make him fight for the spot and you hardly play him in the preseason.

    So how has all that worked out?  Ridder is almost leading the league in turnovers.  He's garbage.  You hardly get the ball to any of your three Top 10 picks and instead mainly get the ball to Jonnu Smith and the backup RB.  Bijan is used as a decoy more than he actually touches the ball.  You have the easiest schedule in the NFL and every week you lose to another bottom of the barrel team.  This means that even though you play in the worst division in football, you're going to miss the playoffs yet again.

    Sad part is, the Falcons have a Top 10 defense and the playmakers on offense to be really good.  Just their QB is basically the worst in the league and their head coach is a fucking moron who has no idea how to call plays/run the team.  If they fire Smith, go get a QB, and draft a DE with their fourth Top 10 pick in a row they could make some noise next year.  Though Blank seems like a sleepy, "well his daddy is my billionaire buddy so we gotta give him a chance" idiot so I imagine this shit show gets extended for another year until it's well and truly fucked.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  14. And as long as he ain't living in Cali when the deferment payments start, he doesn't get taxed like crazy on those either.  Fucking Ohtani out here playing 4D chess.

    Dude doesn't need the money, he's already filthy rich because of endorsements, etc.  Gets to let the Dodgers keep a team around him to go win.  Then he gets a huge lottery ticket when he's done playing.  Gets to skip most of the taxes.  Buys his own baseball team because he's a essentially a billionaire.  Genius. 

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